

http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年08月26日 16:54   新浪教育


  本期人物:拉斐尔·纳达尔(Rafael Nadal, 1986~),西班牙天才网球少年,4岁开始练球,8岁参加比赛,15岁成为职业选手。他是轰动网坛的“红土”王子,世界排名第二的种子选手。生活中,他内向、腼腆,是一个单纯的大男孩;赛场上,他热情、敏捷,是一个完美的球员。22岁的纳达尔虽年级尚轻,但已使世界网坛为之震撼。



  I Love Tennis



  Shui: I heard that you started playing tennis very young. How old were you?

  Nadal: I started practicing tennis at maybe three or four years old. My uncle was a coach.

  Shui: Toni.

  Nadal: Yeah, Toni was a coach of the Tennis Club Manacor, a club in Mallorca1), and he was running a tennis school.

  Shui: Did you like tennis at that time?

  Nadal: Sure, I loved tennis.

  Shui: Do you remember, how old were you when you and also your Uncle Toni and your family really realized that tennis is going to be the game, or is going to be the sports that will help you to make it big and make it successful? ...12?

  Nadal: No, I always practiced a lot, improving. And I never thought, “I'm gonna play tennis; I'm gonna be a tennis professional.” No, I just continued practicing and things were going well. I was winning tournaments. And over the years, I was thinking, “Well, I can play tennis. I can be a professional player.”

  Shui: When you were 12, you won the championship in the regional tennis tournament. And that was considered to be the time that you were first thinking that tennis was going to be your future.

  Nadal: Sure, I was practicing three or four hours every day at that time, when I was 12 years old. So I was really focused on tennis.

  Shui: For a 12-year-old kid, you went to school, right? How did you manage to find time to practice tennis?

  Nadal: I started school at 9 o’clock, and finished at 12. I practiced tennis from 12 to 2 o’clock. Then I went home for lunch. Then I went to school from 3 to 5. And maybe 5 to 6:30, or 5:30 to 7 I practiced football and later, tennis. All the time—7 to 9, tennis, and then later I would study at another time. Yeah, when I was 11 or 12 years old, that was my schedule.

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