2008年09月22日 10:01 新浪教育
大家喜欢看电影吗?现在众多大片纷纷抢占市场,作为影迷的我们可以大饱眼福啦^^。那么,看过电影,你会用英语和朋友谈论电影吗?这就来考考你。 1 I don't really like big Hollywood movies. I prefer art-__________ films. style house work feeling 很好!在英语中通常把严肃和艺术化影片称为 'art-house' films. 2 I liked most of the film, but I thought the ending was a bit over-the-______ . top mark end over 很好! 如果事情做过了头/过分,就可以说 'over-the-top'. 3 No, I don't want to watch a war film. I don't like to see too much blood and __________ . guts tears pain bone Well done! Graphic, bloody violence in films is often called 'blood and guts'. 英语中没有 'blood and tears' 这个组合搭配。 4 The ending was so sad! I was in __________ of tears! lakes pools seas floods 和汉语一样,英语也有很多约定俗成的说法,不过,'lakes of tears' 是不存在的。 Well done!This is the correct answer. 如果一个人被电影情节深深感动,泪如泉涌,那么就是 in 'floods of tears'. 5 It was so exciting! I was on the __________ of my seat! side end edge front 很遗憾,和汉语一样,英语也有很多约定俗成的说法,不过,'on the front of my seat' 不合英语规范。再试试。如果你被影片情节紧紧抓住/引人入胜( 'gripped')就可以说 'on the edge of our seats'.
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