

http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年10月17日 09:57   新浪教育

  There is ample evidence that many other mammals make play sounds, including tickle-induced panting, which resembles human laughter. Indeed, animals are capable of many emotional feelings, just like humans, some scientists say.


  "The recognition by neuroscientists that the brain mechanisms underlying pain, pleasure, fear, and lust are the same in humans and other mammals underscores our similarity to other species and is extremely important," said Tecumseh Fitch, a psychology lecturer at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland.


  In a 2003 study Panksepp and Bowling Green State University neurobiologist Jeff Burgdorf demonstrated that if rats are tickled in a playful way, they readily chirp. Rats that were tickled bonded with the researchers and became rapidly conditioned to seek tickles. Understanding the chirping of the rats may help scientists better understand human laughter.


  Robert Provine, a psychology professor at the University of Maryland in Baltimore, agrees there is an evolutionary continuity of laughter. Its origin is in tickling and rough-and-tumble play, he says.


  Provine and other scientists have studied chimpanzees and found a link between their laughter-like noises and human laughter. "Laughter is literally the sound of play, with the primal 'pant-pant'--the labored breathing of physical play--becoming the human 'ha-ha,'" Provine said.


  By studying the transition between the panting of chimps and the human ha-ha, scientists discovered that breath control is the key to the emergence of both human laughter and speech.


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