

http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年11月25日 15:57   新浪教育

  It's My Fault 工作失误

  Everyone makes mistakes. Usually you can correct your error or just forget about it. Making a mistake at work, however, can be more serious. When you make a mistake at work your career may depend on what you do next.



  Manager: Ok, let's get started. Mike, we'll begin with reports on the Peace Clinic. Is everything going smoothly? 好,迈克,我们开始吧。我们先来看看平安诊所的工程。一切都还顺利吧?

  Mike: Uh, I'm afraid there'll be a delay of at least one week. 恐怕得要拖延一个星期。

  Manager: What's holding things up? 是什么给耽误的?

  Mike: It's my fault. I didn't hire enough people. I screwed up. 是我的错。我雇的人手不够。我把事情给弄砸了。

  Manager: Ok, these things happen, but what have you done to correct the situation? Aren't the guys working overtime? 好了。这种事情既然已经发生了,你怎么解决这种情况呢?工人是不是在加班?

  Mike: Yeah, but they've been working overtime for a month now, and they aren't all happy about it. 是的,不过他们加了一个月的班了,他们已经不太乐意了。

  Manager: Well, have you hired more people? 那你有没有再雇人?

  Mike: I put an ad in the newspaper, but I haven't got many replies so far. 我已经在报纸上登了广告,不过目前仍没有多少回音。

  Manager: How long ago was the ad in the paper? 广告登了多长时间了?

  Mike: Six days ago. I wonder why we're not getting a better response? 六天了。我也奇怪怎么没有人来?

  Manager: There's a lot of construction in this area right now. There's the new convention center, and the new headquarters for Forex Electronics. It's hard to find good workers at the moment. 目前这个地区的工程很多,像新会议中心、福莱克斯电子公司的总部大楼。现在很难招到好的工人。

  Mike: I'm sorry. I made a big mistake not hiring enough guys on the crew last spring. 我很抱歉。去年春季我没多招些人真是个大错误。

  Manager: Okay. Tell the guys it'll be just one more week of overtime. But we've got back on schedule. 好了。告诉工人就再加一个星期的班。不过我们必须得抓紧时间了。


  1 I didn't hire enough people. I screwed up.

  screw up=cause to fail or be spoiled 搞糟,破坏


  Having the car stolen completely screwed up our holiday plan.

  We really screwed up when we invited Jane and her ex-boyfriend to the party.

  2 Tell the guys it'll be just one more week of overtime.


  例句:Hey, guys, how are you doing?

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