

http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年11月25日 15:57   新浪教育


  1 I'm just going to draw up the holiday rotation.

  draw up = prepare, compose 预备,草拟

  例句:He drew up the contract this morning.

  2 I'll do my best to meet your request.

  meet = satisfy (a demand, etc.) 应付,满足

  例句:Can you satisfy their objections / criticisms?


  I've been busy with work for a long time and need rest.

  I'm going to take a home leave and join my family next week.

  I'm not feeling well this morning. I'll ask for a day's leave to see the doctor.

  I have to tell you I won't be in today.

  I want to have a two-week leave next month to prepare for my wedding.

  We're celebrating my mother's sixtieth birthday this coming May. I'm asking for a week's leave.

  When are you going to take your vacation?

  We'll not be too busy recently. You can arrange your vacation now.

  Would you please start your vacation after we finish the project?

  Please stay at home since you're not feeling well.

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