

http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年11月25日 17:29   新浪教育

  After the first few months, construction was halted due to a shortage of funds. Wang, who had managed to raise money from various channels, including selling the building to property buyers before it was completed and delaying payment to construction contractors, couldn't sustain the expense any more.


  A very successful explosionIn 2007, Wang was arrested by the police. It turned out that instead of being a businessman from Hong Kong, he was a former carpenter from Hubei Province. His "Golden Eagle Group" was a shell company registered in Hong Kong with HK$10,000 dollars in assets and not a single employee.


  Further investigation revealed that Hohhot was not Wang's first victim: He played the same trick in 2001 in Yinchuan, the capital city of Ningxia Autonomous Region. In a string of scams conducted from 2001 to 2007, Wang fleeced banks, construction contractors, and private investors for a total of nearly 1.8 billion yuan. On August 21 this year, Wang was sentenced to life in prison for fraud. He recently lost his appeal.



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