

http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年12月02日 15:08   沪江英语






  Lady A: Well...This certainly is different.

  Madame Audel: Yes. Very different.

  Lady B: Look at that.

  Madame Audel: Oh!

  Mr. Blerot: Oh. I'm so sorry.

  Madame Audel: Bonjour, Monsieur Blerot.

  Mr. Blerot: Bonjour, Madame Audel.

  Mr. Blerot: No. Not that way, Charly.

  Vianne: Come on. Come in! Please. Come on, boy. I've got something for you. What's your name?

  Mr. Blerot: Charly. He's fourteen years old. That's ninety-eight in human years.

  Vianne: No, I meant your name.

  Mr. Blerot: Oh! Guillaume Blerot. You're very kind. He has so few pleasures left.

  Vianne: Would you care...Would you care to buy... something special for your lady friend?

  Mr. Blerot: Lady friend?

  Vianne: The lovely woman your dog was so fond of.

  Mr. Blerot: Oh.

  Vianne: Her favourite is chocolate seashells. That's my guess.

  Mr. Blerot: Oh, no. I mustn't. Madame Audel is in mourning for her husband.

  Vianne: Oh, I'm sorry. When did he pass away?

  Mr. Blerot: The war. German grenade.

  Vianne: Hmm. Well, it's been fifteen years since the war, so...

  Mr. Blerot: Not that war. Monsieur Audel was killed on January 12, 1917. It was quite a blow to Madame Audel.

  Vianne: Apparently so.

  Mr. Blerot: -Hmm.

  Vianne: -Hmm.

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