

http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年12月02日 15:08   沪江英语






  Lloyd: Max is halfway to Moscow. Don't tell me you're still translating that Russian.

  Larabee: They talk fast, it's hard.

  BRUCE: It takes like eight of these morons to do what Max did.

  Lloyd: I can't wait till we finish the Hymie project. All these stupid agents will be obsolete. Bye-bye.

  Larabee: What's a Hymie?

  Lloyd: Hybrid Mechanical Intelligence Entity. Basically a robot. It's a stolen KAOS technology. Being reprogrammed. Top-secret. Need-to-know.

  BRUCE: And you don't need.

  Larabee: I'm a trained killer. I can kill you with anything in this office. You wanna die by Post-its? Because I could make that happen.

  Agent 91: And that's a slow death.

  AGENT 23: Larabee.

  Larabee: Yeah.

  AGENT 23: Were you the last one to use the copier?

  Larabee: Yeah.

  AGENT 23: You left it jammed.

  Larabee: So? Why don't you... unjam it? Just open the door, read the instructions.

  AGENT 23: This your stapler?

  Larabee: Yeah, want me to show you how to use it?

  AGENT 23: No. Unjam that.

  Chief: 23.

  AGENT 23: Yes.

  Chief: Can I have a moment, please?

  AGENT 23: Sure. Yes, Chief.

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