2008年12月17日 10:47 新浪教育
1.Rome It’s impossible to stroll through modern Rome and not bump into reminders of its ancient past. The Forum, the Colosseum and the Pantheon, just to name a few, are lasting testaments to the capital of an empire once made up of 2.5 million square miles, three continents and about 100 million people. The empire reached its zenith in 117 AD, when the emperor Trajan ruled from Rome and months-long gladiator games were held to celebrate the city’s glory. 古罗马 即便徜徉在现代的罗马城里,你也无法不被它的历史遗迹所震撼。古罗马广场、圆形大剧场和万神殿都是古罗马曾经风光无限的有力证据。这座曾经占地 250万平方英里的都城由3块陆地组成,人口达到1亿。公元117年罗马帝国盛极一时,罗马皇帝图拉真曾举行长达数月的格斗表演以庆祝帝国的辉煌。
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