2008年12月17日 10:47 新浪教育
![]() 西安
9.Xi’an The Chinese city of Xi’an was the central stronghold for all of the country’s most important ancient dynasties going back 3,000 years. Tourists flocking to see the city’s Terra Cotta Army, 6,000 unique and life-size statues buried to protect the tomb of the great Zhou emperor Qin Shi Huang, has made Xi’an famous in modern times. That will only multiply when the emperor’s sprawling mausoleum, rumored to hold invaluable treasures and rivers of mercury, is finally opened by archaeologists. 西安 3000年前,长安是中国最重要的古代王朝的核心要塞。秦始皇陵中埋藏着多达6000种世界上独一无二的与真人一般大小的兵马俑让如今的西安蜚声世界。据猜测,秦始皇的墓中除了埋藏着无价之宝外,还有用水银做成的江河。
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