2008年12月17日 10:47 新浪教育
10.Cahokia With upwards of 30,000 inhabitants at its peak in about 1100 AD, Cahokia, Illinois remained North America’s first and biggest real city until the Northeast’s population exploded in the late 18th century. This urban center of the Mississippi culture had organized leadership, commerce and a penchant for mound-building. Monk’s Mound, the largest at 100 feet tall, dominates the site and was probably a mighty foundation for the home of the resident spiritual leader. 卡霍基亚 在公元1100年左右,美国伊利诺斯州的卡霍基亚都城居民一度达到了3万人。在18世纪末北美东北部人口大爆炸前,卡霍基亚一直是北美地区第一座、最大的真正意义上的城市。这座密西西比河流域的文化中心曾经出现过井然有序的社会、繁荣的商业并修建堤坝。其中的僧侣堤坝高100英尺,在城中居高临下,它很可能曾被掌权者用来作为建造居所的地基。
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