2008年12月17日 10:47 新浪教育
3.Constantinople Today it’s shared by two continents as the Turkish city of Istanbul, but ancient Constantinople never once had to share the spotlight after Rome fell from grace in the 4th century AD. From that date through the Middle Ages, Constantinople was the world’s largest and richest city, becoming the center of the new Roman Empire, the Byzantine Empire and finally the Ottoman Empire. Art and learning flourished in its universities and cathedrals, including the spectacular Hagia Sophia. 君士坦丁堡 君士坦丁堡就是现在的土耳其城市伊斯坦布尔。它曾是世界上最大最富裕的城市,曾是拜占庭帝国和后来土耳其帝国的中心。君士坦丁堡的艺术和文化教育在当时的学校和教堂相当兴盛。
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