2008年12月22日 16:26 新浪教育
Shops hoping for a Christmas lift are likely to be disappointed because spending will stagnate as the recession bites, market research firm Mintel is predicting. Mintel市场咨询公司预测,由于金融危机,圣诞消费将会萎缩,所以想在圣诞节大赚一笔的商家很可能要失望了。 Christmas retail sales this year will stagnate, showing 0% growth--a marked contrast to the average 5% growth in seasonal spending seen each year since the start of the millennium. 今年圣诞 零售业的消费将会萎缩,并出现零增长,这是2000年来的首次。之前的圣诞消费都保持着平均每年5%的增加速度。Since 2000 Christmas spending has grown by five per cent per year on average, according to the firm. Last year it grew slightly, despite predictions it would stall. 该公司称,自2000年以来,圣诞消费每年呈5%的速度增长。尽管去年预计会停止增长,但实际数字却依旧有些许增幅。 But now the looming recession means people are looking to have a "much less indulgent" festive season, according to Richard Perks, Mintel's director of retail and financial research. Mintel公司零售和金融研究主管理查德·珀克斯说,如今的经济萧条意味着人们不会在节日里“放纵自己了”。 He said: "There is always a lot of emotional pressure to spend money and spoil everyone over the festive season, and during the years of unprecedented boom time, many Brits enjoyed lavish Christmases. But this year, as budgets tighten, Christmas will become a much less indulgent affair. 他说,在经济蓬勃发展的节日氛围里,人们总有消费欲望,好好款待自己。“但今年,由于手头紧,圣诞已不再是一个欢乐享受的事情了。”
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