2009年02月04日 15:08 新浪教育
The survey found that 60 percent spy on text messages when their partner is in the shower, while just over 41 percent do it when they are in the same room. 调查发现,60%的人在对方洗澡时查看他(她)的短信,略多于41%的人则当着对方的面这么做。 Nearly 45 percent said they had discovered flirtatious or sexual texts. 近45%的受访者称,他们在伴侣的手机上发现了调情或色情短信。 "With so many modes of communication available these days, it's difficult to keep track of your partner's whereabouts or who they're chatting to and when," Virgin Mobile quoted relationship expert Samantha Brett as saying. Virgin移动通信公司援引两性关系专家萨曼塔·布勒特的话说:“当今社会的通讯方式多种多样,所以想要追踪对方身在何处,何时、与何人聊过天的确有些困难。” "Flirting is age old, but the fact that it can now be tracked on your phone makes a nervous partner a paranoid text-checker." “调情并不新鲜,但现在这么做会在你的手机上留下蛛丝马迹,而这则把你的另一半变成了一个时刻警惕的短信监督狂。” Brett advised SMS snoops to stop. "If you suspect that your partner is up to something, talk about it. Text checking can turn into a vicious cycle, and it can easily be avoided," she added. 布勒特建议避免这种偷看对方短信的行为。她说:“如果你怀疑对方有什么问题,直接跟他(她)谈谈。偷看短信会变成一种恶性循环,而这是很容易避免的。”
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