2009年02月04日 15:27 中国日报网站
The orphans helped al-Amiri build the $5,000 structure -- unveiled Tuesday -- in 15 days, said Faten Abdulqader al-Naseri, the orphanage director. 孤儿院院长纳歇里称,在孤儿院孩子们的帮助下,阿米利在15天内建成了这个雕塑,造价5000美元,已于上周二正式亮相。 "Those orphans who helped the sculptor in building this monument were the victims of Bush's war," al-Naseri said. "The shoe monument is a gift to the next generation to remember the heroic action by the journalist." 纳歇里说:“帮助建造雕塑的孩子们都是布什所发动的伊拉克战争的遗孤。这座雕塑是留给下一代人纪念扎伊迪记者英勇事迹的礼物。” "When the next generation sees the shoe monument, they will ask their parents about it," al-Naseri said. 他说:“当下一代人看到这座鞋形雕塑时,他们会问父母它是怎么来的。” "Then their parents will start talking about the hero Muntadhir al-Zaidi, who threw his shoe at George W. Bush during his unannounced farewell visit." “接着父母就会给他们讲英雄扎伊迪在布什的告别之旅时向他扔鞋的故事。” Saddam Hussein, the former Iraqi leader toppled by the United States in 2003, was from the Tikrit region. 2003年被美国推翻的伊拉克前领导人萨达姆•侯赛因就来自提克里特地区。 Al-Zaidi marked his 30th birthday in jail last month. One of his brothers said he is "in good health and is being treated well." 扎伊迪于上月在看守所度过了他30岁的生日。他的一个弟弟称他现在“健康状况良好,待遇也不错。” Al-Zaidi's employer, TV network al-Baghdadia, keeps a picture of him at the top left side of the screen with a calendar showing the number of days he has spent in detention. The network has been calling for his release. (扎伊迪被捕后,)他所在的巴格达迪亚电视台在电视屏幕的左上方打出了他的一张照片,并在旁边附上日历注明他被拘留的天数。该电视台一直呼吁释放扎伊迪。 By tradition, throwing a shoe is the most insulting act in the Arab world. 按照阿拉伯世界的传统,向人扔鞋是极具侮辱性的行为。
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