

http://www.sina.com.cn 2009年04月27日 11:24   沪江英语


  And then there is the question – or rather the problem – of how the clothes fit, since the difference between overly snug and appropriately fitted may make the difference between landing a job or being shown the door。


  “The last thing I want to play to is sex appeal,” says Ida Liu, head of the fashion retail group in Citibank’s private banking arm in New York. Liu, who can usually be found in well-tailored (but never tight) black Prada and Dolce & Gabbana skirt suits during office hours, sets such a good example that the bank tapped her to run seminars on professional dressing。


  She points to a recent episode of the TV drama Dirty Sexy Money in which the actress Lucy Liu (no relation), who depicts a powerful attorney, wears a spate of overtly suggestive suits. “In reality I don’t think that is the signal you want to send to your clients,” says Citibank’s Liu。

  她指出刘玉玲在美剧《黑金诱惑》中扮演一位有权势的律师,穿的衣服有大量的性暗示。她说,“在现实生活中那一定不会是你想传达给客户的信号。”The same can be said for medical drama House, in which Cuddy, the hospital administrator played by actress Lisa Edelstein, is routinely dressed in 4in heels and low-cut blouses. “The skirts cling to her behind, the jackets cling to her bosom,” laments Barbara Ruelens, a UK-based wardrobe consultant with a roster of high-powered female clients。

  医疗剧《豪斯医生》也有这个问题,剧中Lisa Edelstein扮演的医院主管Cuddy总是穿着4寸高跟鞋和低领上衣。拥有许多有权势女性客户的驻英国服装咨询顾问芭芭拉·吕埃朗丝说,“她的裙子紧贴着她的屁股,上衣紧贴她的胸”。


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