2009年09月03日 11:15 新浪教育
51.那本书毫无价值可言。 [误] That book is invaluable。 [正] That book is valueless。 注:invaluable 和 valueless 一个是在形容词 valuable(有价值的)之前加上否定形容 词前缀 in-;另一个是在名词 value(价值)的后面加上否定形容词 -less,但它们的意思却刚好相反。invaluable 是指“非常贵重的,无价的”(highly valuable, precious), 其同义词是 priceless;valueless 的意思却是“毫无价值的”,相当于 worthless。现将这两个词用在同一个句子中,以便区别:The book that he considered valueless proved invaluable to us(他认为毫无价值的那本书对我们来说却是无价之宝)。 52. IBM公司一直处在电脑行业的前沿。 [误] IBM is always in the front line of computer industry。 [正] IBM is always at the cuttting edge of computer insustry。 注: front line 是“前线,第一线”的意思,常指最危险或最艰苦的地方。例如:Many doctors are in the front line of the fighting against SARS(许多医生战斗在抗击“非典”的第一线)。at the cutting edge 最早出现在20世纪50年代,它最初指“锐器的锋利部位”,现在常隐喻“处在(高科技的)最前沿。 53. 一位有经验的教师曾经说,上课之前他觉得如临大敌,上课时他是如履薄冰,只有上完课后他才会如释重负。 [误] An experienced teacher once said that before class he felt as if faced with a formidable enemy, in class he felt like walking on ice, and only after class would he feel relieved。 [正] An experienced teacher once said that before class he felt as if faced with a formidable enemy, in class he felt like walking on eggs, and only after class would he feel relieved。 注: 中文的“如履薄冰”是比喻一个人“做事十分小心谨慎或战战兢兢”,而英语的类似说法却是 walk on eggs 或 tread on eggs,要注意中英文喻体的不同。 54. 我有一个舒适的家。 [误] I have a cozy family。 [正] I have a cozy home。 注: family 和 home 虽然翻译成汉语时都是“家”,但它们在英语中却不是同义词。 family 主要指家庭成员;而 home 主要指居住地,即“住宅”。原文中用“舒适的”来修饰“家”,显然是指“舒适的房子”。如果原文是“我有一个和睦的家”,就应该翻译成I have a harmonious family 了。 55. 每节课老是都会点名。 [误] The teacher will call our names in every period of class。 [正] The teacher will call the roll in every period of class。 注: 英语的“点名”是 call the roll,而 call one's name(s)的意思是“谩骂某人”。 rool 有“名册”的意思,又如:remove sb.'s name from the rool(把某人除名)。 56. 我的学习很忙。 [误] My study is very busy。 [正] I am very busy with my study。 注:第一句译文完全套用汉语的结构和语序,却犯了英文的句法错误。因为在英语中, study(学习)是一个行为,并不懂得忙不忙,感到忙的应是进行这一行为的人。所以,be busy with sth. 或 be busy (in) doing sth. 才是地道的英语表达。 57. 给他当二把手我看也值得。他太能干了。 [误] I feel it worth being a second hand to him. He is so capable。 [正] I feel it worth playing second fiddle to him. He is so capable。 注:英语的 second hand 作名词指“中间人”、“旧货”或“助手工人”,而汉语的“二把手”是“副手”,即“第二负责人”的意思,所以二者不是一回事。play second fiddle 则源于管弦乐队中第一提琴手(first violin)不在的时候由第二提琴手负责,并被人们引申为“当主要领导人的副手”,也就是我们所说的“当第二把手”。由此,不难猜出“当一把手”译成英语应该是 paly first fiddle了。 58. 电车上十分拥挤,几乎没有立足之地。 [误] The tram was so crowded that there was hardly sufficient room for you。 [正] The tram was so crowded that there was scarcely sufficient room for you。 注:副词 hardly 和 scarcely 虽然都含有“几乎不”等否定含义,有些时候也可以互换, 如:I could hardly/scarcely recognize her(我几乎认不出她来了),但仍有细微的差异。如在强调数量“不足”时只能用 scarcely,这时它常与 enough、sufficient等词连用。 59. 他被戴上了绿帽子。 [误] He is made to wear a green hat。 [正] He is a cuckold。 注:中文的“戴绿帽子”是指某人之妻与他人私通,但直译成英文西方人只会按字面意思理解为“某人头上被戴了顶绿色的帽子”,无论如何也不会理解汉语的喻义。而英语的cuckold 是指“奸妇的丈夫”(a man whose wife deceives him by having a sexual relationship with another man),所以用 be a cuckold 才能正确表达原文的意思。 60. 我在新闻片里看到你站在总裁的身旁。 网友评论
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