

http://www.sina.com.cn 2009年09月03日 11:15   新浪教育


  93. 欧文按捺不住激动的心情,大声喊道:“我中奖了!”

  [误] Owen couldn't hold back his exciting feeling, and he shouted, "I've got

  the winning number in the bond!"

  [正] Owen couldn't hold back his excitement, and he shouted, "I've got the

  winning number in the bond!"

  注:exciting feeling 这种搭配很不地道,虽然“振奋人心的消息”是 exciting news,

  “有趣的故事”是 interesting story,但“激动的心情”却要用名词形式 excitement 来


  94. 丹尼斯自己不努力,还老是眼红别人的成就。

  [误] Denis himself doesn't work hard, however, he is always red-eyed of other

  people's achievements。

  [正] Denis himself doesn't work hard, however, he is always green-eyed of other

  people's achievements。

  注:中国人说一个人嫉妒用“眼红”,但英美人则用“眼绿”来形容。英语的 green 除了

  表示颜色之外还有“嫉妒”的意思,又如:I was absolutely green (with envy) when I

  saw his splendid new car(我看到他那辆漂亮的新车非常眼红)。其实,英语中许多表示

  色彩的词汇都有特殊的含义,不能照字面去理解。再比如:He gave me a black look(他

  恶狠狠地蹬了我一眼);She visits us once in a blue moon(她难得来看我们一次)等


  95. 夏天要多喝白开水。

  [误] You should drink more white boiled water in summer。

  [正] You should drink more plain boiled water in summer。


  plain 正是指“没掺杂其他东西的,单纯的”,所以能确切表达原文的含义。

  96. 对不起,我把课本忘在家里了。

  [误] Sorry, I forgot my textbook at home。

  [正] Sorry, I left my textbook at home。

  注:原文中的“忘”是指“落在家里”的意思,不能翻译成英文的 forget,而应用表示“

  把.。.留在某地,丢下,落下”等的意思的 leave。

  97. 中国足球队击败了日本队,从而取得了参加半决赛的资格。

  [误] The Chinese football team beat the Japanese team, and is qualified to play

  in the half-finals。

  [正] The Chinese football team beat the Japanese team, and is qualified to play

  in the semifinals。

  注:semi- 是英语里的一个前缀,表示“半”,例如:automatic 是“自动的”,那么

  semiautomatic 就表示“半自动的”;diameter 指“直径”,那么 semi-diameter 就指“

  半径”;monthly 指“月刊”,那么 semi-monthly 就表示“半月刊”。以上这些都跟


  98. 在自然灾害期间,绝大多数人都过着半饥半饱的生活。

  [误] During the natural calamity, most people were half hungry, half full。

  [正] During the natural calamity, most people were underfed。

  注:under- 是一个英语前缀,表示“....。.不足的”,如:underdeveloped(经济发展不

  充分的),underage(未到法定年龄的)等。所以,underfeed 表示“未喂饱的,食物不足

  的”。汉语中“半....。.半....。.”的结构可以翻译成 half...half...,例如:As for

  this matter, I am half-believing, half-doubting(对于这件事我是半信半疑的);

  This composition is half literary, half vernacular(这篇文章写得半文不白的)。

  99. 汉语是我们的母语。

  [正] Chinese is our mother tongue。

  注:tongue 除了指“舌头”,还可以用来指“语言,方言”,如 the Spanish tongue 并


  达是 the gift of tongues。“母语”在英语中用 mother tongue 表达,还可以说

  parent language 或 linguistic parent,但 mother language 的说法却是不地道的。

  100. 我爷爷是奔75的人了。

  [误] My grandpa is running for seventy-five。

  [正] My grandpa is getting on for seventy-five。注:run for 有“竞赛,竞选”之意

  ,如:run for Congress(竞选国会议员),run for the presidency(竞选总统)等。而

  get on for 才表示“接近”,它通常用进行时态,后面一般跟年龄或者时间,如:It's

  getting on for midnight(快到半夜了)等。

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