

http://www.sina.com.cn 2009年09月03日 11:15   新浪教育

  [误] Having heard the news, nobody did not feel excited。

  [正] Having heard the news, everybody felt excited。

  注:汉语中把主、谓语同时否定以表示肯定,但这不符合英语习惯,所以 nobody...not 的结构在英语中是不正确的。翻译这类句子时,可像上面正确的译文那样,把主语和谓语都改成肯定形式;也可用“there be + 否定的主语 + 否定形式的定语从句”来表达,即:There was nobody who did not feel excited 或者 There was nobody but felt excited。

  83. 我是一个中国人。

  [误] I am a Chinese。

  [正] I am Chinese。

  注:第一句译文是不地道的,正确的说法应该去掉不定冠词,或者说 I am a Chinese man。同样,He is an English 也没有 He is English 或 He is an Englishman 好。

  84. 母狼为了保护幼崽同猎豹展开了殊死的搏斗。

  [误] The female wolf fights against the leopard so as to protect her whelps。

  [正] The she wolf fights against the leopard so as to protect her whelps。

  注:汉语一般用“公”、“母”或“雌”、“雄”来区分动物的性别,而英语中,有一部分动物是雌雄各有其名,例如:cock(公鸡)和 hen(母鸡),stag(雄鹿)和 doe(雌鹿)等;而另一部分则是用 male 和 female 加以区分,如:male leopard(公豹),female panda(母熊猫)等;当然,也有例外的情况,如:bull elephant(公象)和 cow elephant(母象),he wolf(公狼)和 she wolf(母狼)等。

  85. 使我高兴的是,我儿子对意大利语也略知一二。

  [误] To my joy, my son know a thing or two about Italian。

  [正] To my joy, my son knows something about Italian。

  注:有些英语词语在字面上同汉语十分相似,但实则貌合神离,如果不求甚解很容易出错。例如,know a thing or two 就不表示“略知一二”,而是“很有经验,精明强干”的意思。

  86. 你希望什么时候成家呢?

  [误] When do you want to start a family?

  [正] When do you want to get married?

  注:中文的“成家”是“结婚”的意思,而英文 start a family 的含义却是“生第一个孩子”,二者完全不是一回事。

  87. 宁做鸡头,不做凤尾。

  [误] Better be the head of a cock than the tail of a phoenix。

  [正] Better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion。


  88. 海伦就像一只骄傲的公鸡,从来不爱搭理别人。

  [误] Helen is proud as a cock, and she never talks to others。

  [正] Helen is proud as a peacock, and she never talks to others。

  注:“孔雀”在中国人眼里是美丽和吉祥的象征,而公鸡因为常把头昂得高高地,尾巴翘到了天上,摆出一副盛气凌人的架子,因此成了“骄傲”的化身。但西方文化不注重孔雀美丽的一面,认为它们很骄傲,所以英美人在形容一个人骄傲、狂妄和爱慕虚荣时,就把他(她)比作 peacock。

  89. 因为没有吃的,那个索马里的小男孩瘦得像猴子。

  [误] That Somali boy is as thin as a monkey because of the lack of food。

  [正] That Somali boy is as thin as a shadow because of the lack of food。

  注:同一事物,在不同的文化里可能引起不同的联想,具有不同的内涵。所以,在一种语言中用这种事物作比喻,而在另一种语言中很可能会有不同的表达。这样的例子中英文还有很多,例如:as timid as a hare(胆小如鼠),as strong as a horse(力大如牛),as poor as a church mouse(一贫如洗)等。

  90. 索菲娅望子成龙心切,给儿子报名参加了许多补习班。

  [误] Sophia hopes to see her son become a dragon, therefore she enters his name

  for many classes of supplementary schooling。

  [正] Sophia hopes that her son will have a bright future, therefore she enters

  his name for many classes of supplementary schooling。


  91. 正如中国的一句俗话:“笨鸟先飞”。

  [误] As an old Chinese saying goes, "Stupid birds have to start flying early."

  [正] As an old Chinese saying goes,"Clumsy birds have to start flying early."

  注:“笨鸟先飞”常用来比喻那些能力差的人,因为做事怕落后,所以就提前行动。这里的“笨”并非 stupid(智力低下的,愚蠢的)的意思,而用 clumsy(笨拙的,不灵巧的)更恰当。

  92. 爸爸总爱发脾气。

  [误] Dad always likes losing his temper。

  [正] Dad is apt to lose his temper。

  注:like doing something 表示“喜欢干某事”,一般用来说明某人的兴趣爱好;而 be apt to do sth。则表示“常常发生某种行为”或“容易发生某种变化”。根据原文的意思显


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