2009年11月25日 14:38 沪江英语
![]() 第1季 感恩游行气球飞走了
《老友记》第一年的感恩节是小编个人最喜欢的一集。Chandler第一次透露了他父母在感恩节的时候宣布离婚的事儿,造成他排斥一切清教徒的节日。因为父母外出旅游Monica自己动手给Ross和Phoebe准备感恩节晚宴。Joey拍了性病公益广告被家里人驱逐也加入了进来。而大家都筹钱给Rachel让她和家里人一起去滑雪。万圣节当天,母性特强的Monica按照所有人的要求做了土豆泥,却因为Chandler的一句感恩游行中的大气球飞跑了集体上楼围观,回来发觉被锁在了外面,所有的美食都烧糊了。众人大吵一架,反倒让Chandler重温了童年感恩节的滋味。当然最终,大家也都温馨地围坐在一起,为有彼此相伴而感到快乐。 美食菜谱:准备好的火鸡和各种土豆泥都烧糊了,Monica只能用事先给Chandler准备的烤芝士三明治让大家果腹。 难忘台词:Chandler(感人的祝酒词): 我得说,真高兴你们的感恩节安排都砸了锅。 “The One Where Underdog Gets Away” Season 1 (Nov. 17, 1994) Usually the Macy's Day Parade is pretty bland. But when an 80-foot-long inflatable Underdog escapes the parade festivities, the friends gather on the roof of their Manhattanapartment building to watch as shooters from below ''take out'' thegiant balloon. If that doesn't warm the cockles of your heart, there's always Chandler's memory of his ninthThanksgiving, when his parents announced they were getting divorced.Wouldn't you boycott all ''pilgrim holidays'' if your parents ruined your pumpkin pie dessert? WHAT'S COOKIN' When the turkey is overcooked and the apartment fills with smoke, Monica has to resort to an old standby: grilled cheese sandwiches。 MEMORABLE QUOTE Chandler's heartfelt toast: ''I guess what I'm trying to say is I'm very thankful that all your Thanksgivings sucked.'' ![]() 第2季 最不感恩的蘑古力
《老友记》第二季的感恩节挺不感恩的。和Rachel的深情一吻让Ross在她和Julie之间左右为难,Chandler和Joey出的馊主意让他列一张优缺点对比表单,Ross就此悟到不管Rachel是怎样的一个人,他终究对她难以释怀,于是坦然同Julie分手。正当大家以为天下太平之时,Rachel却发觉了那张对比表单,她感到很是受伤,不肯原谅Ross。而Monica为了生计到处找工作,为朱古力的替代品,新产品蘑古力设计菜谱,于是她潜心研发出了一大堆的蘑古力甜点,却都不尽如人意,最终研发公司告诉她说蘑古力对身体有危害少吃为妙…… 美食菜谱:缀有蘑古力小饼干的南瓜派,蘑菇力曲奇饼,小红莓蘑古力蛋糕。 难忘台词:Phoebe(尝了一口蘑古力饼干后): 哦,呃滴神啊,罪恶的滋味不过如此! “The One With the List” Season 2 (Nov. 16, 1995) This second-season outing might be the least Thanksgiving-ish episode, but we're given our first sweet taste of ''Mockolate'' — the syntheticchocolate substitute created by aspiring chef Monica. With a taste''that'll last till Christmas,'' Mockolate fizzes and bubbles on your tongue (kinda like eating an Alka-Seltzer), then sort of crumbles intotiny pieces of, um, “deliciousness” in your mouth。 WHAT'S COOKIN' Pumpkin pie with Mockolate cookie-crumb crust, Mockolate chip cookies, Mockolate cranberry cake.。。 MEMORABLE QUOTE Phoebe: ''Oh, sweet Lord, this is what evil must taste like!'' ![]() 第3季 大打橄榄球
每年感恩节期间,在电视上看橄榄球大赛已经跟吃火鸡什么的成为了美国的一个时令的传统风俗。(就跟咱看春晚似的),第三季《老友记》的感恩节这六个人索性一起去打橄榄球去了,因为好胜的Monica和Ross为了小时候的家庭橄榄球赛怨念不已。边上还有一热辣的德国美眉引发了Chandler和Joey之间的争端,接着是三对三的性别之争…… 美食菜谱:比赛结束的时候Monica和Ross还在一决高下抱着球不放,于是别人都在家享用感恩大餐的时候吧,他俩还在地上趴着,天空下着雪…… 难忘台词:Ross(说Monica赖皮):赖及皮,老米米! “The One With the Football” Season 3 (Nov. 21, 1996) 网友评论
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