
http://www.sina.com.cn 2009年11月25日 14:38   沪江英语


  难忘台词:Joey(品味相当独特地品评Rachel的甜品): 有啥不喜欢的?软冻?灵~果酱?

  “The One Where Ross Got High”

  Season 6 (Nov. 25, 1999)

  Joey reveals his tips on how to fake-enjoy a meal so as not to hurt the chef's feelings: rub stomach, make ''mmm'' noises, and smile as wide as possible. (Makes youwonder how expensive are those acting classes really are。) Also this Thanksgiving, Monica invites disaster— a.k.a. her parents — to dinner, where the topics include Ross' threedivorces, Chandler's alleged pot-smoking habit, Rachel's horrendous cooking, and Phoebe's inappropriate crush on Jacques Cousteau。

  WHAT'S COOKIN' Rachel, who's in charge of dessert, decides to prepare an English trifle. It has ladyfingers, jam, custard... Sounds delish, right? Except there's a recipe mixup, so it also has beef sautéed with peas and onions, topped with another layer of custard and some bananas. The consensus? It's garbage. Ross thinks it ''tastes like feet.'' But the culinary venture isn't a complete failure — Joey can't wait for seconds。

  MEMORABLE QUOTE Joey: ''What's not to like? Custard? Good. Jam? Good. Meat? Gooooood.''

第7季 钱德不爱狗狗
第7季 钱德不爱狗狗



  难忘台词:Joey(对于Rachel要不要追她刚失恋的帅帅助理): 要是他不喜欢你,那就“哞”了。

  Rachel: 哞了?

  Joey: 对啊,就像是牛说出来的意见嘛,浑身没关系。就是哞……

  “The One Where Chandler Doesn't Like Dogs”

  Season 7 (Nov. 23, 2000)

  Canyou name every U.S. state in less than six minutes? Get a pen and tryto beat Joey's tally from the game at the center of this episode. (He comes up with 56.) Somehow he manages to do better than Phoebe, who'drather name types of celery. (She comes up with 1.)


  For Ross, not much: Determined to starve until he lists all 50 states,he goes hungry (and a little insane) when his list falls short at 46.It takes him until the wee hours of the morning, but he finally lists 50 and sits down to enjoy a turkey dinner. (He comes up with two Nevadas。)

  MEMORABLE QUOTES Joey (advising Rachel on the crush she's invited to dinner): ''If he doesn't like you, then this is all just a moo point.''

  Rachel: ''Huh. A moo point?''

  Joey: ''Yeah, it's like a cow's opinion, you know, it just doesn't matter. It's 'moo.''

第8季 布拉德·皮特
第8季 布拉德·皮特



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