
http://www.sina.com.cn 2009年12月17日 14:52   新浪教育

  I don’t like driving with him. He has a real lead foot. 我不喜欢和他一起开车,他总飚车。(lead foot指脚像铅似的重重地踩在油门上)

  The poor guy has one foot in the grave. 这可怜的家伙离死不远了。

  We have to put our foot down on that. 我们必须阻止那件事。

  Stop pussy-footing around. What do you want? 别兜圈子了。你想干什么啊?

  She’s always been quick on her feet. 她总是能很快想出办法。

  She swept him off his feet as soon as they met. 他们一见面,她就把他给迷住了。

  He threw himself at her feet. 他完全拜倒在她的脚下。

  She always gets under my feet. 她总是碍我的事。(亦作:to get underfoot,如:She always gets underfoot. 她总碍我的事。)

  We got off on the wrong foot, but now we’re friends. 我们一开始关系很僵,但现在是朋友了。

  GUMS 牙龈;牙床

  Stop flapping your gums! 别废话了!

  GUTS 内脏;肠子

  She busted a gut laughing. 她肚子都笑疼了。

  You’re starting to get a gut. 你开始发福了。

  My gut reaction to her wasn’t good. 我对她的第一印象不好。

  He doesn’t have the guts to call her. 他没胆量打电话给她。/ I respect you. You have guts. 我敬佩你,你真有胆量。

  She’s very gutsy. 她非常勇敢。

  I hate her guts! 我对她恨之入骨!

  She spilled her guts to me. 她向我吐露了心事。

  He threw his guts up after drinking those two beers. 他喝了那两瓶啤酒,几乎把肠子都吐了出来。

  HAIR 头发

  What a hair-raising story! 多恐怖的故事啊!

  That must have been hairy! 那一定很惊险!

  She finally let her hair down in front of us. 她终于在我们面前变得无拘无束了。

  My little brother keeps getting in my hair. 我那小弟总是惹我发火。

  HAND 手

  What’s the issue at hand? 现在有什么急事?

  Can you give me a hand with this? 这事你能帮我吗?/ That was a great performance! Let’s give him a hand! 演得真好!我们给他鼓鼓掌吧!

  Hand it to me right now! 马上把那东西给我!/ Hand it over! 把那玩儿给我!

  I’ve got to hand it to you! 我很佩服你!

  Although she doesn’t have any money, she refuses to accept handouts. 她虽然没钱,却不愿接受施舍。

  I think it’s the best movie hands down. 我认为这毫无疑问是最好的一部电影。/ He won the election hands down. 他以全票当选。

  I know this city like the back of my hand. 我对这个城市了如指掌。

  Since she only has a temporary job. She has to live from hand to mouth. 她只有一份临时工,只能勉强糊口。

  He’s an old hand at fixing cars. 他是修理汽车的老手。

  Do you have a screwdriver on hand? 你手头上有螺丝刀吗?

  Things really got out of hand when the police arrived. 警察到时,局势已经难以控制了。

  He’s my right-hand man. 他是我的得力助手。

  I bought it second hand. 我买的是二手货。(相关的:I heard about the accident second-hand. 这事故我是间接听说的。)

  They were short-handed at work today. 他们今天工作人手不够。

  One of the vice presidents of the company told me to buy the stock and the other told me not to! Obviously, the right hand doesn’t know what the left is doing. 公司的一位副董事长叫我买股票,而另一个却叫我不要买!很显然,他们是各自为政,互不通气。

  I’m going to try my hand at golf this weekend. 这周末,我要去试试打高尔夫球

  HEAD 头

  I wouldn’t trust her. She’s a real airhead. 我不会信任她的,她这人没头脑。

  His head has gotten big ever since he became a movie star. 自从他成了电影明星,就自负起来了。


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