
http://www.sina.com.cn 2009年12月17日 14:52   新浪教育

  LIP 嘴唇

  Button your lip! 住嘴!

  Stop teasing me or I’ll give you a fat lip! 别取笑我了,否则打烂你的嘴!

  Don’t worry. Just keep a stiff upper lip. 别担心,要保持沉着。

  I don’t want any more lip out of you! 我不想再听你说这种无礼的话!

  What I’m saying is true. I’m not paying you lip service. 我说的都是实话,不是对你空口说白话。

  Read my lips and I’ll repeat. 好好看着我,我再说一遍。(read my lips是骂人的话,说对方理解能力差)

  LIVER 肝脏

  I’ve never met anyone so lily-livered. 我从没见过这样胆小的人。

  She always ignores me. What am I? Chopped liver? 她总不理我。我算什么?无名小卒?

  MOUTH 嘴,口

  I don’t like her. She always bad-mouths me. 我不喜欢她,她总说我的坏话。

  Don’t tell her anything. She’s got a big mouth. 什么也别跟她说,她太多嘴。

  Don’t tell him any secret. He’s a real blabbermouth. 别告诉他任何秘密,他这人多嘴,会泄漏的。

  You look down in the mouth. What’s the matter? 你看起来很沮丧,出什么事了?

  I don’t like your mouth. 我不喜欢你说的话。

  You should have heard her mouth off to the teacher. 你该听听她是怎么和老师顶嘴的。

  Stop running off at the mouth! 别再说个不停了!

  Think a little before you go shooting off your mouth! 想好了再说,别信口开河了!

  NECK 颈,脖子

  I saw them necking in the park. 我看见他们在公园里拥吻。

  I was in your neck of the woods and thought I’d come by and visit. 我住在你们附近,我想我会过去看望你们的。

  The two runners are neck-and-neck. 两位赛跑选手并驾齐驱。

  She’s such a pain in the neck. 她真是个令人头疼的家伙。

  He’s a real redneck. 他真是个老顽固。

  I stuck my neck out for her. 我替她承担了很大的风险。

  If I catch him, I’m gonna wring his neck! 我要是抓住他,就扭断他的脖子!

  NERVE 神经

  You’re going on my nerves! 你让我心烦!

  I think you just hit a nerve with her. 我看你是触到了她的痛处。

  You have some nerve! 你有些鲁莽!

  I think you need a drink. Your nerves are on edge. 我觉得你该喝点什么,你太紧张了。

  She’s really nervy. 她真是太放肆了。

  NOSE 鼻子

  It’s as plain as the nose on your face. 那是秃子头上的虱子,明摆着的。

  You’re always so hard-nosed! 你总是太固执!

  If you keep your nose to the grindstone, you’ll succeed. 如果你努力不懈,就会成功的。

  Whether she comes to my party or not, it’s no skin off my nose. 她来不来参加我的派对跟我都没关系。

  His health took a nose dive. 他的健康状况急剧恶化。(to take a nose dive原指飞机突然失去动力而急速降落。)

  She has a nose for finding bargains. 她很善于搜寻便宜货。

  She nosed her out of the competition. 她在比赛中以微弱优势击败了对手。(亦作:to win by a nose)

  Now, don’t get your nose out of joint. 好了,别生气了。

  She’s so nosey! 她太爱管闲事了!

  She never talks to me. She always has her nose in the air. 她从来不和我说话,总是一副高傲自大的样子。


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