
http://www.sina.com.cn 2009年12月17日 14:52   新浪教育

  I criticized her dress and she bit me head off. 我说她的裙子不好,她就把我臭骂了一顿。

  Let’s head out around 9:00 in the morning. 我们早上9点左右出发。

  I’m head over heels for her. 我狂热地爱上了她。

  She’s on a real head trip. She thinks she’s the smartest in class. 她总是在做梦,以为自己是班上最聪明的学生。/ Get off your head trip! 别再自高自大了!

  He’s always so headstrong. 他总是这么固执。

  The boss just called them into his office. I think heads are gonna roll. 老板刚把他们叫进了办公室,我看有人要被炒了。

  Head up! (因有物体飞来)注意头上!

  You are starting to make headway with your French! 你的法语开始有进步了!

  She hit the nail on the head! 她的话一针见血!

  I need that like a hole in the head. 我根本不需要那玩意儿。

  She’s such a hothead. 她真是个急性子。

  I can’t be specific, but off the top of my head, I’d say she’ll be arriving in about ten minutes. 我不能确定,但我估计她大约十分钟之后会到的。

  I think you just went over his head. 我觉得他没法懂你的意思。

  Don’t be such a sorehead. 别这样牢骚满腹。(此语通常用于指那些输了比赛或竞赛就发牢骚的人。)

  I don’t like being around her. She has such a swelled head! 我不喜欢和她在一起,他太自负了!

  Everything he does is stupid. He never uses his head. 他从来不动脑子,总是干傻事。

  HEART 心脏

  She’s going to eat her heart out when she sees me with Tom. 她要是看到我和汤姆在一起,会嫉妒死的。

  The teacher gave us homework to do over the weekend. She doesn’t have a heart. 老师周末还给我们布置家庭作业,她一点同情心都没有。

  Let’s get to the heart of the problem. 我们看看问题的实质吧。

  My heart goes out to her. 我同情她。

  I don’t have the heart to tell her that her dog died. 我不忍心告诉她,她的狗死了。

  Every time she came home late, she caused him heartache. 每次她晚归,他都很伤心。

  HEEL 脚跟

  If you want her to like you, just talk about animals. That’s her Achilles’ heel. 如果你想让她喜欢你,就和她谈谈动物,那是最能打动她的。

  We cooled our heels for a whole hour before she finally arrived. 我们整整等了一个小时,最后她终于来了。

  Quit dragging your heels and hurry! 别磨蹭了,快点儿!

  We’re head over heels for her. 我们都疯狂地爱上了她。

  She just taught her dog to heel. 她刚刚教她的狗紧跟着她。(Heel!是唤狗用语,让狗紧紧跟在主人身后)

  I can’t wait to go on vacation. I need to pick up my heel! 我急着要去休假,需要轻松轻松!

  Stop walking on my heels! 别当我的跟屁虫!

  HIP 臀部

  She never thinks before she speaks. She just shoots from the hip. 她说话总是不经大脑就信口开河。

  KNUCKLE 指节;膝关节

  We’ve got to knuckle down and clean the house. 我们得好好干了,把屋子打扫干净。

  Would you like a knuckle sandwich? 揍你一顿怎么样?

  She finally knuckled under because the pressure was simply too much. 压力实在太大了,她最终还是屈服了。

  You knuckle-head! 你这个笨蛋!(此词的语气温和,有点笑骂的味道)

  LEG 腿

  I don’t know how he can eat so much. He must have a hollow leg. 我不知道他怎么能吃下这么多东西,他的胃口肯定大得像个无底洞。

  Let’s leg it to work today. 我们今天步行去上班。

  She’ll never win the court case. She doesn’t have a leg to stand on. 她绝赢不了这场官司,她压根就站不住脚。

  His couch cost an arm and a leg. 他买沙发花了不少钱。

  Stop pulling my leg! 别骗我了!

  I’m going outside to stretch my legs. 我要到外面去活动活动


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