朱莉娅-罗伯茨获评年度“最美丽人物”(图)![]() 朱莉娅•罗伯茨获评年度“最美丽人物”
Julia Roberts topped the list of People magazine's "World's Most Beautiful People" on Wednesday, marking the 12th time that the "Pretty Woman" star has appeared in the annual special issue。 Roberts, 42, the mother of 5-year-old twins and a 2 year-old son, is joined by Halle Berry, Angelina Jolie and Jennifer Lopez on the 2010 list。 Garry Marshall, who directed Roberts in her breakout role as a prostitute with a heart of gold in the movie "Pretty Woman" 20 years ago, said she was "as beautiful as ever." "She's much more centered and calm now and not so stressed. She is quite the mom -- very nurturing," Marshall told People。 Roberts, who won an Oscar in 2001 for her lead role in "Erin Brockovich", will be seen next in August in the movie "Eat, Pray, Love" based on the best-selling book of the same name by Elizabeth Gilbert。 Ashley Greene, 23, who plays a vampire in the "Twilight" hit movie franchise, was among the newcomers to the widely-read list that annually is a measure of celebrity status。 Her "Twilight" co-star, heartthrob Robert Pattinson, as well as Canadian teen singer Justin Bieber and 2009 "American Idol" runner-up Adam Lambert made it to the male section of "world's most beautiful", while actresses Jessica Biel, Jessica Alba and singer Jessica Simpson were featured in a new "Beautiful Jessicas" section。 While Roberts appeared on the cover of the People magazine special edition, other celebrities were not ranked but included Jennifer Aniston, Rihanna, Taylor Swift, Beyonce, Bradley Cooper, Johnny Depp and Patrick Dempsey。 Last year's title was awarded by People magazine to actress Christina Applegate, who had previously made public her battle with breast cancer and double mastectomy。 《人物》杂志年度“全球最美丽人物”排行榜于本周三揭晓,朱莉娅•罗伯茨荣登榜首,这也是这位出演《风月俏佳人》的女星第12次登上该年度排行榜。 现年42岁的罗伯茨有一对5岁的双胞胎和一个2岁的儿子。与她一同上榜的还有女星哈莉•贝瑞、安吉丽娜·朱莉和詹妮弗•洛佩兹等。 20年前,罗伯茨因在电影《风月俏佳人》中饰演一名心地善良的妓女一举成名。该片的导演加里•马歇尔说:“她还是那么美丽”。 马歇尔在接受《人物》杂志采访时说:“她现在沉着自信多了,不会那么紧张。她是个很棒的母亲,很会养育孩子。” 2001年,罗伯茨凭借影片《永不妥协》获得奥斯卡最佳女主角大奖。她的新片《美食、祈祷和爱》将于8月上映。这部电影改编自伊丽莎白•吉尔伯特的同名畅销书。 在热映系列电影《暮光之城》中出演吸血鬼的23岁的女星阿什丽•格林尼为今年上榜的新秀之一。《人物》杂志的年度“最美丽人物”排行榜广受关注,是对明星名气和地位的一次考量。 阿什丽•格林尼的片中搭档“万人迷”罗伯特·帕丁森、加拿大青年歌手贾斯汀•比伯和2009年美国偶像亚军亚当•兰伯特等进入该榜男星单元。女星杰西卡•贝尔、杰西卡•阿尔芭、歌手杰西卡•辛普森跻身新推出的“最美杰西卡”单元。 此外,罗伯茨还登上本期《人物》特刊的封面。而珍妮弗•安妮斯顿、蕾哈娜、泰勒•斯威芙特、碧昂斯、布莱德利•库珀、强尼•戴普和帕特里克•德姆西等明星均未能上榜。 去年《人物》杂志评选的“最美丽人物”是(美国女演员)克里斯蒂娜•艾伯盖特。此前她曾将自己与乳腺癌作斗争及接受双乳切除术的事情公诸于众。 网友评论
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