双语:罗比尼奥破门 巴西3-0晋级战荷兰![]() 法比亚接卡卡直传,盘过智利门将,将球送入空门
Brazil beat South American rival Chile on Monday night, 3-0, to advance to the quarterfinals of the World Cup football tournament in South Africa。 周一晚,巴西队以3-0击败南美劲旅智利队,杀入南非世界杯四分之一决赛。 It's been a decade of dominance by the Brazilians over the Chileans. Before a crowd of more than 54,000 people, Brazil recorded its eighth consecutive victory over Chile, a winning streak spanning 10 years。 十年来,(在足球方面,)巴西人一直凌驾于智利人之上。本场比赛,在5万4千名球迷面前,巴西队创下了在10年里,连续8次击败智利队的记录。 The Brazilians broke the game open with two quick goals in the first half. Juan opened the scoring in the 35th minute with a header off a corner kick. Three minutes later, Luis Fabiano increased Brazil's lead. He received a one-touch pass from Kaka, dribbled past Chilean goalkeeper Claudio Bravo and then knocked the ball into an open net. It was Fabiano's third goal at this World Cup. Robinho wrapped up the scoring in the 59th minute。 上半场,巴西率先打破僵局,凭借快攻2次敲开对手大门。比赛进行到第35分钟,巴西队开出角球,胡安头球破门,为球队首开纪录。3分钟后,法比亚接卡卡直传,盘过智利门将,将球送入空门,帮助巴西队扩大领先优势。这也是法比亚诺在本届世界杯的第3粒入球。第59分钟,罗比尼奥将比分锁定为3-0。 During the match, a couple of fans walked around the stadium with two giant gold replicas of the World Cup trophy. Based on the way the Brazilians are playing now, the five-time World Cup champions could very well reclaim the real trophy on July 11, when the final is held。 在比赛当中,几名球迷手捧仿制的大力神杯,在球场周围走动。以巴西队目前的比赛状况来看,五冠王很有可能在7月11日的总决赛中重新捧起大力神杯。 网友评论
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