
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年08月25日 14:45   沪江英语

  4. Roman and Irina Abramovich - $300 million


  It had been speculated that the settlement could have left her the world's richest ever divorcee. But according to Russian news sources, Mrs Abramovich settled for $300m (£155m). The figure included the value of homes in Britain and Moscow, as well as a yacht and private plane. At one point it was thought he would have to pay a settlement of at least $1 billion。


  5. Michael and Maya Polsky - $184 million


  According to court records, the couple married in the Ukraine in 1975, coming to the US in 1976 with "only four suitcases and $500 in cash。

  After sighting irreconcilable difference in 2003, Maya Polsky filed for divorce from energy magnate Michael Polsky. In October 2006 a Chicago judge said Mrs Polsky was entitled to at least half of the couple's assets。


  6. John 'Jack' Welch and Jane Beasley - $180 million


  Welch is the former Chairman and CEO of General Electric, the technology and service conglomerate in New York, now ranked as the world's largest company. The couple married in April 1989, divorcing in 2003. While Welch had reportedly written a prenuptial agreement, there was a 10-year time limit. Beasley reportedly left with amount to be in the range of $180 million。

  7. Michael and Juanita Jordan - $168million


  The most expensive celebrity divorce in history. The former Chicago Bulls basketball superstar married Juanita Vanoy in 1989. They divorced in 2007. It is thought negotiations between the couple added £20 million to the final deal from an initial settlement. The marriage had shown signs of trouble in the past with Juanita filing for divorce in 2002, although they announced a reconciliation。



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