此毕加索非彼毕加索,来看双语解释: The term literally refers to art virtuoso Picasso in Chinese and is pronounced similar to "close and locked" in Chinese. It is another joking term for young men staying at home to pursue obsessive interests, particularly Japanese comic books and animation movies. They were previously called otaku-boys。 “毕加索”字面上看指的是艺术大师毕加索,实际上却和“闭加锁”同音。这只是对那些在家沉迷于日本动漫的男孩的戏称。而“毕加索”的前身正是“宅男”。 来看下面这个例子: Can't see him all day long? Because he is just a "stay-at-home men." 整天都不见他的影子?因为他就是个“毕加索”嘛! 网友评论
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