双语:你家老公是“放养”还是“圈养”(图)![]() 你家的老公是“放养”还是“圈养”?看过电影和电视剧版《手机》的人大概都了解这两种相处方式的特点和可能造成的后果。当然,影视作品都会对生活现状进行夸张表现。不过大部分男士应该都愿意做个“放养老公”吧。 Free-range husband is a man who enjoys a fair amount of freedom in married life. His wife would allow him a private space, understand the pressure he is suffering from work and encourage him to take part in social activities and make new friends. “放养老公”(free-range husband)指婚姻生活中享有相当自由的男人。妻子会给他适度的个人空间,理解他来自工作方面的压力,鼓励他多交朋友,参加社会活动。 Mutual trust and respect is something that really matters in marriage. Based on this, making your man a free-range husband is believed to be a wise decision. If a woman makes every effort to keep her husband sticking around all the time, that will surely use up the passion soon and lead to enmity and contempt between them. 婚姻中,最重要的就是彼此间的相互信任和相互尊重。在此基础上,对男人适度放养,是一个女人的聪明之举。女人若是处心积虑地要老公和你每天黏在一起,是很容易消耗完彼此的热情和激情的,夫妻容易产生敌视与轻视情绪。 网友评论