每个人都知道“酒驾”很危险,而且,现在“酒驾”还有可能让你坐牢。不过,细心的人应该也注意到不少药物的说明书里都明确提示“服用药物后不能驾车或高空作业”。由此可以看出,“药驾”其实也是很危险的。大家平时要注意哦! Drug driving means driving a motor vehicle while under the influence of drugs other than alcohol。 “药驾”(drug driving)指服用药物之后驾驶机动车的行为,与“酒驾”有相似之处。 Driving whilst under the influence of drugs is extremely dangerous and can affect driving in numerous ways。 在药物影响下驾驶机动车是非常危险的行为,会从多方面影响到驾驶状态。 Drug drivers can suffer from slower reaction times, erratic and aggressive behavior, an inability to concentrate properly, nausea, hallucinations, panic attacks, dizziness and fatigue. In such a condition, it is a bad idea to be behind the wheel of a car, for the driver and their passengers。 受药物影响的驾驶员反应速度会变慢,会有反复无常且带有攻击性的行为,注意力无法集中,恶心、会产生幻觉、甚至伴有恐慌症发作,有眩晕感和疲惫感。在这种情况下,无论对驾驶者本人和乘客来说,开车都不是明智之举。 网友评论