双语多图:盘点世界当代20座“鬼城”(组图)For a number of reasons, natural and human, people have recently evacuated or otherwise abandoned a number of places around the world. Collected here are recent scenes from nuclear-exclusion zones, blighted urban neighborhoods, towns where residents left to escape violence, unsold developments built during the real estate boom, ghost towns, and more。 由于自然和人类活动等诸如此类的原因,世界各地的人们撤离和废弃了很多建筑和地方。下面的图集中所呈现的无人区,有因为核灾难人们被迫撤离的区域,有遭到破坏的城市居民区,有因为居民逃离暴力冲突而荒芜的小镇,有因为房地产泡沫破裂而无人问津的房屋,有鬼城的废墟,还有许多: 1
1. A tree grows from the top of a chimney in an abandoned factory yard in Luque, on the outskirts of Asuncion, Paraguay, on October 2 , 2011. 2011年10月2日,巴拉圭首都亚松森市的郊区,一棵树从一家废弃工厂的烟囱里长出来。 2
2. A bust of Confucius rests at an abandoned workshop in the town of Dangcheng in Quyang county, 240 km (150 miles) southwest of Beijing, on December 7, 2011. 2011年12月7日,在距离北京西南部240公里的河北省曲阳县党城乡,一尊孔子的头像被丢弃在一个废弃的工厂里。 3
3. Ivy grows over a street in Tomioka town, Fukushima, northeastern Japan, on August 19, 2011. Vines creep across Tomioka's empty streets, its prim gardens overgrown with waist-high weeds and meadow flowers。 2011年8月19日,日本福岛县富冈市的一条街道上长满了常春藤。葡萄藤爬过富冈市空无一人的街道,之前整洁的花园里疯长了齐腰高的杂草和野花。 4
4. Sand blows across the coastal highway near Brega in eastern Libya, on April 1, 2011. 2011年4月1日,利比亚东部的布瑞加市附近的沿海高速公路上刮起了狂沙。 5
5. Cnoc An Iuir, an empty and unsold housing development, is pictured in the village of Drumshanbo, County Leitrim, Ireland, on January 28, 2012. During the economic boom, Irish developers attempted to cash in, building tens of thousands of houses. However, poor planning decisions and the global recession have resulted in a large number of estates being abandoned, unoccupied or unfinished。 2012年1月28日,爱尔兰利特里姆郡德拉姆山伯村一处空空无人问津的房地产开发项目。经济快速发展时期,爱尔兰的投资商蜂拥而来投入巨资建造了上万座住宅。然而规划决策的缺陷和全球经济衰退,使得一大批的房地产项目遭遗弃,无人居住或是没有完工。 6
6. The abandoned conference hall inside the Benghazi Cathedral, in the Libyan rebels' stronghold city of Benghazi, photographed on June 5, 2011. Benghazi Cathedral, designed by Italian architects Guido Ottavo and Cabiati Ferrazza, was built between 1929 and 1939, and was one of the largest churches in North Africa. The building was later used as a headquarters for the Arab Socialist Union, finally becoming vacant and derelict. As of 2009, the cathedral and its entire site have been under renovation by an Italian company。 2011年6月5日,利比亚反叛武装要塞城市班加西的大教堂里大厅内空无一人。班加西大教堂由意大利建筑师Guido Ottavo和Cabiati Ferrazza设计,教堂建于1929年到1939年间,是北非最大的教堂之一。这座教堂曾经是阿拉伯社会主义联盟的总部,后来遭到遗弃。2009年,一家意大利公司对教堂和主体建筑进行翻新。 7
7. An arch that formerly read "The Alamo", at the entrance to the former U.S. soldiers living quarters at Camp Adder, near Nasiriyah, Iraq, on December 3, 2011. 2011年12月3日,伊拉克纳西里耶的艾德营地,这里曾经有美军士兵驻守。 网友评论