
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年07月06日 11:56   沪江英语



  A lawmaker in St. Petersburg has a message for Madonna: keep yourpants on. Literally。

  City councilman Vitaly Miranov warned the pop star not to stepout of line during her upcoming concert there on Aug.9.

  “We are warning the organizers of her concert to make it asdecent as possible. Otherwise we will use the harsh laws againstthem. I heard that during the concerts of this tour she has takenoff her pants. We do not need that here,” Milanov said, accordingto Russia’s Interfax news agency。

  The Material Girl caught Miranov’s ire earlier this year aftershe vowed to speak out from the stage against a harsh new anti-gaylaw which would make it a crime to discuss homosexuality aroundminors. He threatened to fine her if she did and said in March thathe would was willing to “personally suffer” through her concert inorder “to control its moral content。”

  The so-called “gay gag rule,” which Miranov proposed, wouldimpose hefty fines up to $16,700 on violators. A similar law waslater approved at a national level. The laws’ supporters say it’smeant to protect children from gay “propoganda,” but opponents sayit’s just the latest in a string of efforts to discriminate againstgay, lesbian, and transgender people。

  Madonna is not the only famous musician standing up for gayrights in the region。

  On Saturday Elton John begged Ukrainian authorities to stop arecent pattern of violence against gay activist leaders。

  “I plead with you. Stop the violence against gay people,” hesaid during a pause in his act, which headlined a concert ahead ofthe EuroCup soccer tournament final, which was held in Kiev。

  Lady Gaga has also repeatedly spoken out against the treatmentof homosexuals in Russia。

  Homosexuality was banned in the Soviet Union and was onlydecriminalized in 1993, though it was still declared a mentaldisorder until 1999. It remains highly taboo in Russia。









  Lady Gaga也曾多次公开抗议俄罗斯同性恋者的待遇。




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