《新闻编辑室》遭质疑 艾伦•索金做出辩护

http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年07月23日 14:46   沪江英语

  Although Aaron Sorkin's HBO series "The Newsroom" has earned criticism, with journalists calling its portrayal of the industry unrealistic, the creator told NPR's "Fresh Air" that "The Newsroom" is meant to be a fantasy。

  "I like writing about heroes that don’t wear capes and disguises," Sorkin told "Fresh Air" host Terry Gross of the criticism. "It's aspirational. 'Gee, it looks like the real world and feels like the real world, why can't this be the real world?' The metaphor of Don Quixote is used, all kinds of lost cities are used: Atlantis, Brigadoon ... The show is meant to be a fantasy set against very real and oftentimes very serious events."

  Sorkin isn't alone in defending his series: The stars of "The Newsroom" are behind him as well。

  "Sorkin loves journalists, loves the media, loves the news," Olivia Munn, who plays Sloan Sabbith, told Vulture. "I don’t believe the show is his soapbox for him to lecture the media on how to be better. On the contrary, I believe his show is an opportunity to help the audience fall in love with the news again."

  正在HBO热播的新剧《新闻编辑室》(The Newsroom)遭到了一些批评之声,部分记者称其展现的新闻产业并不真实。而制片人艾伦·索金(Aaron Sorkin)则在NPR的《Fresh Air》节目中表示《新闻编辑室》本就是他打造的一片幻想之地。



  扮演斯隆·莎碧斯(Sloan Sabbith )的奥利维娅·玛恩(Olivia Munn)说:“索金热爱记者,热爱媒体,热爱新闻。我相信他并非借这部戏的平台来对如今的媒体进行一番说教。相反,我相信这部戏会给予观众一个再度爱上新闻栏目的机会。”



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