
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年09月27日 12:16   中国网






  In 2008, 40-year-old Belgian artist Delphine Boel published her autobiography, "Cutting the Umbilical Cord", in which she reveals her identity as the secret love daughter of Belgium King Albert II. She said in her book that she was fed up of getting attention for being the king's dirty laundry and she had to cut the umbilical cord. King Albert II had a love affair with Sybille, Baroness de Selys Longchamps, who gave birth to Boel in 1968. Albert II once sought to divorce Princess Paola and marry Sybille, but Sybille refused to marry him after receiving unwanted pressure from the royal family. Albert II was forced to admit his affair in 1999 when a biography about Queen Paolo disclosed Boel's existence. However, the king has never acknowledged Boel as his daughter. His indifference has deeply wounded Boel。





  74-year-old Spanish King Juan Carlos was been plagued with scandals in 2012. After apologizing to the recession-hit country for his Botswana hunting in April, Carlos quickly found himself facing yet another scandal. Spain's Vanity Fair magazine reported in May that Carlos had an affair with a 46-year-old blond German female named Ke Lina Wittgenstein, who had accompanied him on official visits and overseas journeys for on multiple occasions. The magazine claimed that Carlos had kept his illegitimate relationship with Wittgenstein for some years, and that Wittgenstein was the organizer of his hunting trip to Botswana. This is not the first time for Carlos to be involved in a sex scandal. It's an open secret that Carlols' marriage with Queen Sofia is a failure, and he has had a series of affairs over the past 50 years. Pilar Eyre, a respected author and journalist, wrote in her new book that "Queen Sofia's marriage life has been a real -tragedy. Juan Carlos is a professional seducer and age has not slowed him down."





  On April 9, 2005, Camilla Parker Bowles, Duchess of Cornwall, finally tied the knot with British Prince Charles, after a relationship that spanned more than three decades since they first met in 1970. Camilla is publicly known as "the other woman" in Charles' life and has been blamed for playing an important role in wrecking the marriage between Charles and late Lady Diana Spencer. It's been said that Charles remained close to Camilla, even after his marriage to Diana in July 1981. Their affair was revealed through a tape in 1992.

  It seems as though the British royal family gravitates towards scandals. Camilla once jokingly mentioned to Charles that "her maternal great-great-grandmother, Alice Keppel, was the long-time mistress of Charles' great-great-grandfather, Edward VII." In 2004, a book, entitled "Philip & Elizabeth: Portrait of a Marriage", claimed by citing the words of Sacha, Duchess of Abercorn that Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, and her maintained a "passionate friendship" for more than 20 years between 1960s and 1980s。



  前段时间刚因哈里王子裸照事件陷入风波的英国 王室,近日又有一位成员陷入同样的麻烦,这个人就是哈里王子的嫂子、威廉王子的妻子凯特王妃。上周威廉王子与凯特王妃在法国南部普罗旺斯的一个私人城堡内

  度假时,凯特在池塘游泳的裸照却被法国媒体偷拍下来。这家杂志也将在本周五重磅推出这一消息,而在他们提前披露的杂志封面上,有关凯特王妃的画面都被打上 了马赛克,不过也依稀能够看出凯特并非全裸。

  On September 14, 2012, the French magazine Closer published paparazzi photos of Kate, the Duchess of Cambridge, sunbathing topless during a holiday with Prince Williams in the south of France. The incident inflamed public outrage on September 17, when Chi, an Italian magazine owned by the same Mondadori publishing company as Closer, published a 26-page special edition featuring 50 intimate photos of Kate on the vacation. Chi claimed to have 200 such pictures of Britain's likely future queen. The scandal evoked memories of William's late mother, Princess Diana, who was also chased after by paparazzi, and were blamed for her tragic death in a car crash incident in August 1997.




  The British royal family was embarrassed again when TMZ.com published two exclusive photos on August 21, 2012, showing 27-year-old Prince Harry enjoying a wild nude party at a Las Vegas hotel on August 17. In both photos, Harry is completely naked with an unidentified young woman, who was also naked. The only difference is that, in the first one, the woman hides behind Harry, while in the second, Harry hugs the woman from behind. After the end of the party the couple allegedly disappeared. The prince, no stranger to scandal, gave the royal family a major headache by dressing in a Nazi uniform in 2005. In 2009, he also sparked concerns for his racist remarks in a video clip he shot himself while at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst。



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