I'm not sure if I know anyone who enjoys long flights — sitting too long in acramped area just doesn't feel good. Also if you find yourself unable to sleep, you may end up feeling bored for hours. Check out these items that'll help your plane ride be a little more smooth and enjoyable。我不知道有没有人喜欢长时间坐飞机的。长时间地坐在狭小的空间里怎么样也不会好受。如果你还发现自己在飞机上没法睡觉的话,那你就只能无聊地干坐几个小时了。下面这些长途旅行神器会帮助你在飞机上的时间好过一点。
Cushion Your Seat舒适坐垫
Sitting in a cramped space for hours on end can be uncomfortable. Get a seat cushion that will contour itself to fit your body。坐在拥挤的空间中个把小时绝对不会舒服。带个坐垫,你就能让自己坐得更舒服了。
Warm Shawl暖和的围巾
It gets cold on the plane, and although a good cardigan or jacket will warm you up, a cashmere wool ruffle wrap is even handier because you can also use it as a blanket。在飞机上会越坐越冷,带条围巾、穿件质地优良的羊毛衫或夹克衫都能让你暖和起来。一条羊毛大围巾就更加保暖了,因为它还能当做毯子来用。
Peaceful Earplugs隔音耳塞
Bring some earplugs with you, just in case there's a crying baby near you on the plane. They may also help with the air pressure during takeoff and landing。带一副耳塞上飞机吧,以防你旁边正好坐着一个哭不停的婴儿。耳塞也能帮助你缓解飞机起飞和降落时带来的压力。
Refreshing Mist保湿喷雾
Riding in airplanes can take the moisture out of your skin. This Mineral Water Spray is definitely a travel essential。飞机旅行会让你的皮肤干燥、失去水分。一支矿物水喷雾绝对是旅行必备品。
Book of Sudoku数独游戏
Every traveler needs a Sudoku book to fight off boredom. The Mammoth Book of Sudoku will give you endless airplane entertainment。每个旅行者都该准备一本数独游戏的书来打发无聊的时光。一本数独游戏全集可以给你的旅行带来无尽的乐趣。
Lavender Aromatherapy Set薰衣草香薰套装
There's nothing more relaxing than the scent of lavender, and this lavender neck wrap and eye mask will surely ease your tensions on the plane. Once you're in your hotel room, you can even heat these up or chill them in the fridge for an even more relaxing time。没有什么比薰衣草香氛更能舒缓身心的了,而这一套薰衣草护颈和眼罩让你在飞机上也能放松神经。等你到了入住的酒店后,你还能对它们加热或冰镇,就能感到更加放松了。
Pick-Me-Up Spray清醒喷雾
Staying in the plane for too long a period can make you moody and cranky. Uplift your spirits with this 12 Uplift Essential Oil Rollerball. The cheery smell includes rose flower oil, lavender flower oil, and German chamomile flower oil。长时间地坐飞机会让你感到无精打采、郁郁寡欢。要想振奋精神,那就备上一支含有玫瑰精油、薰衣草精油、德国洋甘菊精油的喷雾吧,轻轻一喷,提神醒脑。
Life-Changing Books人生励志书籍
Life-changing books usually takes more concentration and are longer reads than most books, because you have to take the time to soak in the words to really remember them. Long flights are perfect for those types of books because you have very little distractions
and all the time in the world to read a book of your choosing. Skip the quick romance novels or cheap thrillers for a book that will improve your life。比起其他书籍,阅读人生励志书籍需要更多的专注力,因为你需要花时间去消化吸收,才能真正记住书中的内容。长时间的飞行就是阅读这类书籍的最好时机了,因为你很少会受到干扰,几乎可以一直沉浸在书中的世界里。别再选言情小说或恐怖故事了,选一本人生励志书籍带上飞机,它会改变你的生活。
Baby Wipes婴儿用湿纸巾
If you find it a hassle to get out of your seat to wash your hands, use the wipes to clean your hands before the meal. Instead of using deodorant, you can even use these wipes to freshen up as well. It's great for your sensitive skin!如果你发现离开座位去洗个手不太方便,那就在用餐前用湿纸巾擦擦手吧。你也可以用湿纸巾来做一些个人卫生工作,比除臭剂还好用哦。而且婴儿用湿纸巾对你娇嫩的皮肤也是很好的。
Media Players多媒体播放器
Bring on gadgets that will be able to play all sorts of media such as an iPod, tablet, or laptop. You can listen to books, lectures, watch movies or TVs on the players。带上一部多媒体播放器,无论是iPod,平板电脑还是手提电脑都可以。你可以听有声书,听讲座,也可以看电影或电视剧。