
2013年03月19日11:44  中国日报网    

  "The armed forces need to be ready to assemble at the first call of the CPC and be capable of fighting and winning any battle," Xi said while inspecting the Lanzhou Military Area。

  While vowing to never allow the country's national sovereignty, security and development interests to be infringed upon, Xi reiterated that China will always remain a staunch force in upholding world peace, as the nation suffered from wars in the past。

  "We will never seek hegemony or engage in expansion," he said。


  作为中共中央军委主席,习近平高度重视军队和国防建设。“我们要实现中华民族伟大复兴,必须坚持富国和强军相统一。”对如何建设巩固国防和强大军队,习近平有着清晰的战略思路。去年12月初在广州战区考察时,他要求广大官兵牢记:“坚决听党指挥是强军之魂,能打仗、打胜仗是强军之要,依法治军、从严治军是强军之基。”在兰州军区视察时,他强调,要 确保部队“召之即来、来之能战、战之必胜”。

  担任中共中央军委主席以来,习近平相继视察了陆军、海军、空军、二炮和武警部队。在破浪航行的战舰上,在炮声隆隆的演兵场,在整洁的连队宿舍楼里,习近平登甲板、进舱室,上战车、到班排,察看装备 设施,观摩实战演练,详细了解基层官兵学习、训练、生活情况,认真听取基层建设的意见和建议。



  When he met CY Leung and Chui Sai On, chief executives of the Hong Kong and Macao special administrative regions, respectively, last year, Xi said he expects contributions from compatriots in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan in realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation。

  During his February meeting with Lien Chan, honorary chairman of the Kuomintang, Xi stressed the CPC's confidence in carrying forward the peaceful development of cross-Strait relations。

  The new leadership has full confidence in overcoming difficulties and bringing new prospects for the cross-Strait relations, he said。

  "We sincerely hope Taiwan can develop along with the mainland and compatriots from both sides of the Strait can join hands in realizing the 'Chinese dream,'" he said。

  Xi is anything but an unfamiliar name to the rest of the world, as he appeared on the international stage multiple times in recent years。

  Since the 1980s, he has visited more than 60 countries and regions to gain experience and seek cooperative opportunities。






  After he was elected vice president in 2008, Xi visited more than 40 countries and regions and became increasingly skilled in handling complicated international issues。

  Shortly after he served as the top CPC leader last year, Xi met with foreign experts working in China and sought their views and suggestions on China's development。

  "China is ready to learn from the achievements of all other cultures," he said。

  Since November last year, Xi has met delegations from the United States, Russia, the Republic of Korea and Japan, and representatives from the United Nations, the African Union and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization。

  His confident and pragmatic approach has made him well-known among foreign diplomats。

  He reassured the world of China's peaceful development with his ideas regarding win-win cooperation and mutual benefit。

  Since China and the world share common interests, the "Chinese dream" cannot be realized without peace and development in the world, Xi said。

  A prosperous and stable world community offers opportunities to China, while China's development presents great opportunities to the world, he said。

  He called for other countries also to engage in peaceful development in order to develop peaceful coexistence。

  "No country should assume that we will trade our core interests for benefits, nor will we swallow the 'bitter fruit' of harming our sovereignty, security or development interests," he said。


  具有宽广国际视野的习近平认为,中国与世界已成为利益共同体,中国梦的实现离不开世界的和平与发展。放眼全球,他指出:世界繁荣稳定是中国的机遇,中国发展也是世界的机遇。中国不仅是合作共赢的 积极倡导者,更是合作共赢的切实践行者。合作共赢、互为机遇的理念给国际社会吃了一颗“定心丸”。

  担任中共中央总书记后,习近平的第一场外事活动是会见在华工作的外国专家。他认真听取了专家们对中国发展的看法和建议。他说:“国与国友好的基础是否扎实,关键在于人民友谊是否深厚”,“我们的事业是向世界开放学习的事业”,中国将“更加注重学习吸收世界各国人民创造的优秀文明成果,同世界各国相互借鉴、取长补短。”媒体认为,这次会见表明,习 近平重视人民友好往来,重视各国相互学习。


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