
2013年05月02日10:31  沪江英语 微博   

  Overcoming any obstacle is easier with a laugh or two。当遭遇挫折时,用笑声来面对可能会更容易。

  Laughter is physically good for you. 大笑有益于身体健康。

  Seriously, it’s like a super vitamin. It relieves muscle tension, improves your memory, bolsters your immune system and helps prevent heart disease, among other things. It’s worth it to even fake laugh at your co-workers awful joke involving the whatever walking into a bar/church。我说真的,笑声就好比超级维生素,会缓解肌肉紧张,提高记忆力,增强免疫系统,还能防止心脏病等等。所以如果你的同事讲了一个非常烂的笑话,诸如“当谁谁谁走进酒吧/教堂时” 这样的蹩脚笑话,就算是假笑也是很有好处的。

  It calms you down, despite the current vein-bulging, eye-twitch-inducing argument you’re in. 即使是怒气当头、激烈争论,大笑都能让你平静下来。

  When you don’t want to laugh, that’s when your jerk-face brain will make it impossible for you to resist. As soon as someone says “don’t laugh,” you’re immediate inclination is to either snicker or guffaw. Why deny yourself the pleasure? Humor will settle things down before you or your opponent start throwing things at each other’s heads。如果你不想笑,那也是大脑控制你去抵抗笑意。只要有人说“不准笑”,你会马上开始偷笑或窃笑。为什么要拒绝快乐呢?这点小幽默可是能有效避免你和对手之间互相大打出手哦。

  It relieves the stress of more serious emotions. 能有效缓解严肃紧张的情绪。

  When your heart breaks, you want to be sad, and you want to give that sadness your attention. We often avoid laughter in order to respect the weight of losing a loved one, a job or a big mistake we've made. Those, however, are the times we especially need something to laugh at. Humor makes light of loss to keep it from crushing us。心碎了,感到难过,你觉得应该表现出这份难过。经常为了表示对失去爱人、工作,或是犯下的某个错误的尊重,你不再露出笑脸。然而,这时候我们反而更需要大笑。幽默会让这些损失带给你的伤痛减轻。

  Scary things are less scary when you laugh at them. 笑对恐惧,没那么好怕的。

  For example: When that guy in Jurassic Park gets eaten by the T-Rex, it’s terrifying. He’s screaming as the T-rex thrashes him around like a rag-doll. I was five when I saw that and I thought I was going to have a heart attack (thanks, Dad). But when my dad directed my attention to the fact that the man was sitting on a toilet when he got eaten, I laughed -- all toddlers love toilet humor (thanks again, Dad). This concept follows us as we grow older. The context changes but the practice still works just the same。比如,侏罗纪公园里有人要被霸王龙吃了,那很吓人。霸王龙就像对待一个破布娃娃一般抽打着他,男人在尖叫着。那时候我才五岁,看到这一幕真心觉得心脏病都要犯了,多亏了我爸爸,他转移我的注意力,跟我说那个男人在快被吃掉的时候正坐在马桶上。我大笑起来,所有的小朋友都爱厕所幽默(再次感谢我爸爸),这个观点直到我们长大都适用。场景也许会变化,但规律仍然有效。

  It cures boredom. 减轻负担。

  This might be the most important one. You know you’ve got a good friend when you don’t care what you do with her. She asks you if you want to go rock climbing -- sure. She wants to check out a new movie -- let’s do it. She asks if you want to go to a wine tasting-- duh, you’re already there with a glass for you and her. All this because she makes you laugh. You could sit and stare at each other on bench and you’d find a way to entertain yourselves. The friend who makes you laugh most should be doted on almost as much (if not, more), than the person you fall in love with。这有可能是最重要的部分了。比如你有个好朋友,你并不会介意和她在一起干什么。她问你要不要去攀岩?你说好。她想去看一部新电影?那就一起去呗。她问你想不想喝喝酒?你早就把两个人的杯子都准备好了。你会这样都是因为她能让你大笑。你们可以在长椅上坐着看着对方,找点乐子,两个人一起开心。相比你爱的人,那个让你笑得最多的朋友才值得你更多的付出。

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