
2013年05月23日11:29  沪江英语 微博   
德国动物园可爱土拨鼠群照 德国动物园可爱土拨鼠群照
德国动物园可爱土拨鼠群照 德国动物园可爱土拨鼠群照
德国动物园可爱土拨鼠群照 德国动物园可爱土拨鼠群照
德国动物园可爱土拨鼠群照 德国动物园可爱土拨鼠群照

  It would appear that this group of prairie dogs are as close as any family could be。就像世界上所有家庭一样,这群土拨鼠看上去非常亲近。

  The cute critters were spotted cementing their familial bonds in their enclosure at Hannover Zoo in Germany. Showing their love, a pair even shared a kiss as one prairie dog appeared to tenderly cup the other's face。在德国的汉诺威动物园,这群可爱的小萌物正在它们的领地上交流情感,巩固家庭纽带。为了表达爱意,一只土拨鼠好像在用前爪温柔地托起对方的脸庞,对方则以深情一吻予以作答。

  Elsewhere a youngster apparently had a secret to tell mum and cuddled up close to whisper in her ear。另外一处,土拨鼠宝宝显然有什么秘密要告诉妈妈,它蜷在大土拨鼠身边说着悄悄话。

  When two prairie dogs meet they snuffle at each other’s face and nose. This ‘kiss of recognition’ is more than just politeness - rubbing the corners of the mouth triggers an anti-biting reaction。当两只土拨鼠碰面时,它们会相互蹭脸和鼻子。这种“识别之吻” 不仅仅是礼貌的表现,因为摩擦嘴角熟悉彼此的气息,可以防止它们出现撕咬行为。

  The pictures also show a happy trio snuggled up side by side while another pair checked the conditions outside from the entrance to their burrow。这里还有快乐三伙伴并排的合照;另一张则是一对土拨鼠在洞口探查洞外情况。

  But it's not all family harmony. Scuffles and scraps between neighbours and relations to decide who’s boss are all part of a prairie dog’s day。但这里不仅仅有家庭和睦,也有亲友邻里间为了争夺老大地位的战斗,这些都是土拨鼠一天的生活。

  Prairie dogs are burrowing rodents native to the grasslands of North America. Their name refers to both their habitat and their warning call, which sounds similar to a dog's bark。土拨鼠是穴居啮齿动物,原产于北美大草原。由于生活在草原,而且发出警报时的声音像狗叫,又被称为“草原犬鼠”。

  A male will live in his territory with up to four females, and the offspring stay with the family until they are sexually mature, when they are driven out by the head of the family to start their own tribe。一只雄性土拨鼠在其领地上最多会拥有四只雌性伴侣,所生后代在幼年时会一直待在父母身边。当这些小土拨鼠发育成熟时,就会被家庭首领驱逐家门,到外面自立门户。

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