He has stunned audiences with jaw-dropping stunts that defy logic and can make the most skeptical cynic believe in magic。他用违背逻辑的特技让观众瞠目结舌,并且让最挑剔的评论家也相信魔术。
But in an daring new act, Bradford-born Illusionist Dynamo took his impressive skills to even greater heights。但在最近一次大胆的新行动中,生于布拉福德的魔术师迪纳摩将他令人印象深刻的技巧发挥到了一个新的高度。
The 30-year-old entertainer took in London's sights by levitating beside the roof of a 15ft double-decker bus。现年30岁的魔术师飘浮在15英尺高的双层巴士旁,成功地再次吸引了整个伦敦的目光。
Smiling for the cameras, Dynamo, whose real name is Steven Frayne, travelled alongside the two-storey bus with the palm of his hand placed on the roof。对着照相机镜头微笑的迪纳摩原名是史蒂芬·弗拉伊内,他单手攀附在巴士顶,跟着双层巴士一起行动。
He hung in mid-air with his other arm outstretched as he crossed Westminister Bridge. A police escort cleared the way for Frayne's daring feat, ensuring there was no traffic around the bus。他悬挂在半空中穿越威斯敏斯特大桥,另一只手臂伸展向外。一名警察护送在旁,为弗拉伊内的英勇壮举清路,保证巴士旁没有其它车辆。
Frayne's award-winning show documents the tricks he has up his sleeve- from his mesmerising sleight of hand to his ability to walk on water。弗拉伊内的成功表演记录了他的取胜法宝——从催眠手法到在水上走的能力。
He gained notoriety when he 'walked' across the Thames in 2011 to promote a new series of his show Magician Impossible.2011年他“行走” 穿越泰晤士河一战成名,当时是为了他新系列节目《不可思议的魔术师》做宣传。
His previous tricks have included making Little Britain star Matt Lucas levitate before a live audience at Arsenal's Emirates Stadium, and turning signed lottery tickets into cash in front of Robbie Williams and Davina McCall。他之前的魔术包括在阿森纳的埃米尔球场使英国明星马特·卢卡斯在观众面前悬浮起来,以及在明星罗比·威廉姆斯和达芬娜·麦克考尔面前使签了名的彩票变成现金。