
2013年07月04日14:44  沪江英语 微博   
布莱克莱弗利夫妇上海共享甜蜜晚餐 布莱克莱弗利夫妇上海共享甜蜜晚餐
布莱克莱弗利夫妇上海共享甜蜜晚餐 布莱克莱弗利夫妇上海共享甜蜜晚餐

  They are rarely seen without each other when they make public appearances. 布莱克·莱弗利和瑞安·雷诺兹两夫妻很少单独出现在公共场合。

  And it seems Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds will travel to the ends of the earth to keep their marriage alive – well at least to China. 而且看上去这两口子是准备要走遍天涯海角来让他们的婚姻保持活力——起码他们已经来到中国了。

  The husband and wife were spotted heading to a local restaurant for dinner in Shanghai on Monday as they continued their stay in the Far East。目前这对夫妻继续在远东逗留,本周一被拍到在上海当地一家饭店就餐。

  The Gossip Girl actress, who travelled to China last week to launch a Gucci fragrance, looked casual yet chic as she entered the restaurant。这位出演了《绯闻女孩》的女演员上周为代言古驰香水来到中国,走进饭店的布莱克装扮随意,但是依然时髦。

  The Green Lantern actor recently revealed it’s his wife who has the final say on what he says。而她的《绿灯侠》丈夫最近透露,他妻子是两人之中有话语权的那个。

  He revealed: 'I would never walk out of the house without her approval.'他说:“没有她的批准,我都不会走出屋子。”


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