12. “Rescue of Sirius” Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban营救小天狼星——《哈利·波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒》
“Sirius, you’d better go, quick,” Harry panted. “They’ll reach Flitwick’s office any moment, they’ll find out you’re gone。”
Buckbeak pawed the ground, tossing his sharp head。
“What happened to the other boy? Ron?” croaked Sirius。
“He’s going to be okay. He’s still out of it, but Madam Pomfrey says she’ll be able to make him better. Quick — go —”
But Black was still staring down at Harry。
“How can I ever thank —”
“GO!” Harry and Hermione shouted together。
Black wheeled Buckbeak around, facing the open sky。
“We’ll see each other again,” he said. “You are — truly your father’s son, Harry…”
He squeezed Buckbeak’s sides with his heels. Harry and Hermione jumped back as the enormous wings rose once more…The Hippogriff took off into the air…He and his rider became smaller and smaller as Harry gazed after them…then a cloud drifted across the moon…They were gone。
13. “Battle with the Dragon” Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire和巨龙搏斗——《哈利·波特与火焰杯》
“Great Scott, he can fly!” yelled Bagman as the crowd shrieked and gasped. “Are you watching this, Mr. Krum?”
Harry soared higher in a circle; the Horntail was still following his progress; its head revolving on its long neck - if he kept this up, it would be nicely dizzy - but better not push it too long, or it would be breathing fire again -
Harry plummeted just as the Horntail opened its mouth, but this time he was less lucky - he missed the flames, but the tail came whipping up to meet him instead, and as he swerved to the left, one of the long spikes grazed his shoulder, ripping his robes —
He could feel it stinging, he could hear screaming and groans from the crowd, but the cut didn’t seem to be deep。
14. “The Golden Web” Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire金网——《哈利·波特与火焰杯》
Harry, his arms shaking madly now, looked back into the ghostly face of his father。
“Your mother’s coming…” he said quietly. “She wants to see you… it will be all right… hold on…”
And she came… first her head, then her body… a young woman with long hair, the smoky, shadowy form of Lily Potter blossomed from the end of Voldemort’s wand, fell to the ground, and straightened like her husband. She walked close to Harry, looking down at him, and she spoke in the same distant, echoing voice as the others, but quietly, so that Voldemort, his face now livid with fear as his victims prowled around him, could not hear…
“When the connection is broken, we will linger for only moments… but we will give you time… you must get to the Portkey, it will return you to Hogwarts… do you understand, Harry?”
“Yes,” Harry gasped, fighting now to keep a hold on his wand, which was slipping and sliding beneath his fingers。
“Harry…” whispered the figure of Cedric, “take my body back, will you? Take
my body back to my parents…”
“I will,” said Harry, his face screwed up with the effort of holding the wand。
“Do it now,” whispered his father’s voice, “be ready to run… do it now…”
15. “Dueling Wizards” Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix巫师的决斗——《哈利·波特与凤凰社》
“You do not seek to kill me, Dumbledore?” called Voldemort, his scarlet eyes narrowed over the top of the shield. “Above such brutality, are you?”
“We both know that there are other ways of destroying a man, Tom,” Dumbledore said calmly, continuing to walk towards Voldemort as though he had not a fear in the world, as though nothing had happened to interrupt his stroll up the hall. “Merely taking your life would not satisfy me, I admit。”
“There is nothing worse than death, Dumbledore!” snarled Voldemort。
“You are quite wrong,” said Dumbledore, still closing in upon Voldemort and speaking as lightly as though they were discussing the matter over drinks. Harry felt scared to see him walking along, undefended, shieldless; he wanted to cry out a warning, but his headless guard kept shunting
him backwards towards the wall, blocking his every attempt to get out from behind it. “Indeed, your failure to understand that there are things much worse than death has always been your greatest weakness”
Another jet of green light flew from behind the silver shield. This time it was the one armed centaur, galloping in front of Dumbledore, that took the blast and shattered into a hundred pieces, but before the fragments had even hit the floor, Dumbledore had drawn back his wand and waved it as though brandishing a whip. A long thin flame flew from the tip; it wrapped itself around Voldemort, shield and all. For a moment, it seemed Dumbledore had won, but then the fiery rope became a serpent, which relinquished its hold on Voldemort at once and turned, hissing furiously, to face Dumbledore。
16. “Hogwarts Castle” 霍格沃茨城堡
“The stories we love best do live in us forever. So whether you come back by page or by the big screen, Hogwarts will always be there to welcome you home。” - J.K. Rowling 我们最爱的那些故事会一直永远留在我们心里。所以不管你是重看小说,还是通过大荧幕重温,霍格沃茨都会一直在那里,欢迎回家。” ——J.K. 罗琳