奥斯卡学院奖一直是全世界影迷瞩目的盛世。第86届奥斯卡颁奖礼的主持人又一次花落 Ellen DeGeneres。Ellen 是历史上唯一一位主持过奥斯卡、格莱美奖和艾美奖的主持人。她主持的脱口秀节目 The Ellen Show 在美国很受欢迎。
Ellen DeGeneres will host this year's Oscars. DeGeneres herself announced the news Friday morning on Twitter, writing, "It's official: I'm hosting the #Oscars! I'd like to thank @TheAcademy, my wife Portia and, oh dear, there goes the orchestra."Ellen DeGeneres 将主持明天的奥斯卡颁奖礼。DeGeneres 本人在周五早晨通过推特宣布了这一消息:“正式宣布:我要主持奥斯卡啦!谢谢学院,谢谢我的妻子 Portia 以及,噢,天哪,管弦乐队在催我结束了。”
The Academy is getting an early start on next year's Oscar show. In April, it rehired producers Craig Zadan and Neil Meron to produce next year's 86th Academy Awards, which will air March 2 on ABC。学院很早就开始了明年奥斯卡的筹备工作。今年4月,学院聘请了 Craig Zadan 和 Neil Meron 作为第86届奥斯卡颁奖典礼的制片人,这届颁奖礼将于3月2日在 ABC 电视台播出。
DeGeneres' announcement comes immediately after Cheryl Boone Isaacs was elected new president of the Academy on Tuesday. She promptly endorsed the selection of the two producers and said her first order of business was meeting with them to decide on a host.Cheryl Boone Isaacs 刚刚在周二当选为学院主席,DeGeneres 就宣布了将会担任主持的消息。之前 Isaacs 在制片人的选拔中为 Zadan 和 Meron 两位制片人背书,她表示她的首要工作就是和他们共同决定一位颁奖主持。
Choosing DeGeneres, known for her kindler, gentler humor, signals that the Academy's next awards show will have a decidedly different tone than the 85th Academy Awards, hosted by Seth MacFarlane, who drew criticism for routines like his song about actresses' nudity on film。选择让人激动的、幽默的DeGeneres来主持奥斯卡,标志着学院下届颁奖礼在风格上的转变。上一届的主持人Seth MacFarlane,因为他那关于女星裸露镜头的歌曲而备受争议。
DeGeneres previously hosted the show in 2007 and earned a Primetime Emmy nomination for her work.DeGeneres 曾在2007年主持过一次奥斯卡并因为她的出色表现赢得了一座艾美奖。
"I am so excited to be hosting the Oscars for the second time. You know what they say -- the third time's the charm," DeGeneres said in a statement。“我很激动又有机会主持奥斯卡。你知道的,三次出奇迹。” DeGeneres在一个声明中说道。
Zadan and Meron added: "We are thrilled to have Ellen DeGeneres host the Oscars. As a longtime friend, we had always hoped to find a project for us to do together, and nothing could be more exciting than teaming up to do the Oscars. There are few stars today who have Ellen's gift for comedy, with her great warmth and humanity. She is beloved everywhere and we expect that the audience at the Dolby Theatre, and in homes around the globe, will be as excited by this news as we are."Zadan 和 Meron 补充道:“我们很激动能够请 Ellen DeGeneres来主持奥斯卡。我们已经是老朋友了,也一直希望能有一起工作的机会。没有什么能比一起做奥斯卡更让人激动的了。如今很少有明星能同Ellen一样,不仅在喜剧方面颇有才华,同时还兼具温情和人文的关怀。人人都喜欢她。我们期待杜比剧院的观众们以及在家收看电视的朋友们,听到Ellen将会主持奥斯卡的消息时,都同我们一样激动。”
Newly elected Academy President Boone Isaacs said, "I agreed with Craig and Neil immediately that Ellen is the ideal host for this year's show. We're looking forward to an entertaining, engaging and fun show."学院新当选的主席 Boone Isaacs 说:“我同意 Craig和Neil说的,Ellen是明年奥斯卡主持的理想人选。我们期待由她带来一个娱乐的、吸引人的、好玩儿的秀。”
Academy CEO Dawn Hudson added: "Ellen is talented, wonderfully spontaneous, and knows how to entertain a worldwide audience. She's a big fan of the Oscars; we're huge fans of hers. It's a perfect match."学院首席执行官 Dawn Hudson 补充:“Ellen非常有才华,很自然,她知道如何去取悦世界范围内的观众。她是奥斯卡的忠实粉丝;而我们是她的铁杆粉。这样的结合真是太合适啦。”
Meanwhile, ABC Entertainment Group president Paul Lee said, "It is an honor to welcome back Ellen DeGeneres as the host of the biggest entertainment celebration of the year. She is the consummate entertainer, equally beloved by her peers in the industry, movie fans and television viewers. We very much look forward to having her back on ABC for Oscar Sunday."与此同时,ABC 娱乐集团的主席Paul Lee说:“很荣幸能够再次邀请 Ellen DeGeneres 作为这一娱乐盛事的主持人。她是个完美的娱乐家,不论是同行,或是电影迷、电视迷都很喜欢她。ABC 的奥斯卡星期天非常欢迎她的回归。”