Traditional animal rivalries were set aside in New Zealand when a dog's blood was used to save the life of a poisoned cat in a rare inter-species transfusion, reports said Wednesday。都说猫狗是冤家,但周三有报道称,新西兰一只小猫中毒濒危,好在通过罕见的跨种族输血后转危为安,而献血方则是一条狗。
Cat owner Kim Edwards was frantic last Friday when her ginger tom Rory went limp after eating rat poison, rushing to her local veterinary clinic at Tauranga in the North Island for help。周五,猫主人金·爱德华兹发现她的姜黄色小猫罗里误食老鼠药后中毒,瘫软无力。焦急的主人火速将猫咪送到北岛陶朗加的当地兽医诊所治疗。
Vet Kate Heller said the feeble feline was fading fast and needed an immediate transfusion to survive, but there was not enough time to send a sample to the laboratory for testing to determine the cat's blood type。兽医凯特·海勒说,那时小猫已经快不行了,急需输血抢救,可是已经没时间把血样送到实验室,等血型化验结果出来再手术。
Instead, she decided to take a gamble and use dog blood to try to save the animal, knowing it would die instantly if she gave it the wrong type。兽医很清楚,如果血型不相配,猫咪将会当场死亡,但她还是决定赌上一把,试着用狗狗的血液救活小猫。
Edwards called up her friend Michelle Whitmore, who volunteered her black Labrador Macy as a doggie blood donor in a last-ditch attempt to save Rory, a procedure Heller said she had never performed before and was very rare。爱德华兹打电话给朋友米歇尔·惠特莫尔说明情况,这位朋友愿意让她的黑色拉布拉多犬梅西献血,为救活小猫罗里做最后一搏。海勒说跨种输血十分罕见,她之前从没做过这样的手术。
"People are going to think it sounds pretty dodgy -- and it is -- but hey, we've been successful and it's saved it's life," Heller told the New Zealand Herald。“人们都认为这样做太不正常了,的确很疯狂,但要知道我们最后还是成功救活了小猫。”海勒在接受《新西兰先驱报》采访时如是说。
Edwards said the cat appeared to have come through its ordeal unscathed, seemingly without any canine side effects。爱德华兹说,现在小猫看上去已经完全摆脱伤病,好像也没出现任何输入狗狗血液的副作用。
"The vets just went above and beyond... it's incredible that it worked," she said。她说:“兽医实在太厉害了……难以置信居然成功了。”
"Rory is back to normal and we don't have a cat that barks or fetches the paper."“我们家罗里现在是只很正常的猫,不会吠叫,也不给我们叼报纸。”