
2013年06月09日14:46  沪江英语 微博   
最新网络萌宠:长着两撇小胡子的汪星人 最新网络萌宠:长着两撇小胡子的汪星人
最新网络萌宠:长着两撇小胡子的汪星人 最新网络萌宠:长着两撇小胡子的汪星人

  Born with a tash! This pup bears a striking resemblance to author Agatha Christie's detective Hercule Poirot!生下来就有小胡子!这只小汪星人长得极像侦探小说家阿加莎·克里斯蒂笔下的侦探赫尔克里·波洛。

  This pup has become an internet sensation thanks to his incredible facial markings. 这只小狗因为脸上特别的印记,在网上迅速蹿红。

  Just six months old, he has really grown into the hairy-upper lip look which lends him great authority as he eyeballs the camera。这只小狗只有六个月大,它的上嘴唇已经长上了厚厚的毛茸茸的八字胡,这可让这只小汪星人赚足了眼球。

  It is unclear where he is from or exactly what breed he is, but there is no mistaking the similarity between him and author Agatha Christie's effete Belgian detective Hercule Poirot, known the world over for that handlebar moustache。人们还不清楚它到底从哪里来,是什么品种,但是可以肯定的是:它长得和阿加莎·克里斯蒂笔下的比利时侦探赫尔克里·波洛非常像,这位比利时侦探就是以那一撇小胡子而举世闻名的。

  The white markings appear on the dog's head, each of his four paws, his chest area and the very tip of his tail。在这只汪星人的头上四个爪子上、胸口和它的尾巴尖儿上都有白色的印记。

  The 'houndlebar' moustache gives the dog an austere look that betrays his six months。这撇八字胡有点显老了,这只狗狗明明才六个月大。

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