
2014年05月16日11:05  沪江英语 微博    收藏本文     

  There is a lot of research behind what makes relationships work — and not work. To keep it short, just keep the 5 R’s in mind:


  Right, Real, Rapport, Relate, Review


  Let’s break them down。


  1. Fight Right

  1. 适量争吵

  You might think it would be great if you could have a relationship with zero arguing. But marriages with no arguments are 35% more likely to divorce。


  Things need to be worked out and you may need to compromise.You can’t not argue and you can’t fight to the death. You need to fight right。


  If you stay compassionate and show you care — even in the midst of a screaming match — you have a better shot at happiness。


  When couples experience conflict, they are 45 percent less likely to feel pessimistic about their relationship if they can recognize feelings of caring from their partner during the disagreement. – Ebesu Hubbard 2001


  2. Keep It Real

  2. 保持情感的真实

  Do you expect a fairy tale relationship? That’s a prescription for disappointment。


  Elements of fairy tales such as Cinderella were present in 78 percent of people’s beliefs about romantic love. Those people were more likely to have experienced disillusionment, devastation, and angst in their relationships than were those who gave less credence to fairy tales. – Lockhart 2000


  The modern day equivalent of fairy tales is TV. And as you might expect, watching too much TV is correlated with unsatisfying relationships。


  People who watched an above average amount of television per day were 26 percent less likely to be satisfied with their relationship status than were people who watched a below average amount of television per day. – Hetsroni 2000


  It’s all about the bar that’s set for you or the bar you set for yourself. So, as you might imagine, perfectionism does not make for a happy love life either。


  People high in perfectionism, a hyperbelief in their own correctness and a desire to find a partner with similar traits, are 33 percent less likely to describe their relationship status as satisfying. – Flett, Hewitt, Shapiro, and Rayman 2002


  Be realistic about what you can and should expect from a relationship. And realize that things change.A third of the time what attracts you to someone isn’t important to you six months later。


  3. Have Rapport

  3. 经常交流

  Talking, sharing, being open — these are all highly praised, and for good reason. Couples who communicate are 62% more likely to describe their relationship as happy。


  Expecting your partner to be a mind reader will just make you miserable. Want something? Ask for it。


  Researchers found that those who are more direct in seeking support from their partner are 61 percent more likely to feel they received the support they wanted than are those who avoid explaining their needs. – Fitness 2001


  If you’re still shopping for a partner, look for someone with good social skills who has maintained friendships for a long time。


  People with strong social skills, including an ability to maintain long-term friendships, were 32 percent more likely to be satisfied with their relationship. – Flora and Segrin 1999


  More laughing means less fighting。


  When both partners in a relationship thought the other had a good sense of humor, 67 percent less conflict was reported than in couples where neither thought the other had a good sense of humor. – De Koning and Weiss 2002


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