
2015年04月14日11:12  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     

  The son of the Sultan of Brunei, one of the world's richest men, has wed bride Dayangku Raabi'atul 'Adawiyyah Pengiran Haji Bolkiah in a spectacular ceremony at the monarch's 1,788-room palace in Brunei's capital, Bandar Seri Begawan。近日在文莱首都斯里巴加湾市,世界上最富有的人之一——文莱苏丹之子在其父那座拥有1788间客房的宫殿里举行了一场盛大的仪式,迎娶了新娘拉比阿图艾达威雅。

  Prince Abdul Malik, 31, exchanged vows with Dayangku Raabi'atul 'Adawiyyah Pengiran Haji Bolkiah, 22, in front of crowds of friends and family, nobility and foreign dignitaries amid mind-boggling splendour.31岁的阿都马力·马利克王子与22岁的拉比阿图艾达威雅在亲朋好友、文莱贵族和外国政要的见证下,于金碧辉煌的宫殿中互相交换誓词。

  The newlyweds' matching gold outfits were both embellished with diamonds, while blushing bride Raabi'atul carried a bouquet made of dazzling gems, rather than flowers。这对新人所着的配套金色礼服都饰有钻石,而脸颊红红的新娘手持一束炫彩夺目的宝石代替花束。

  The Prince is the youngest child of the Sultan, Hassanal Bolkiah, and his wife, Queen Saleha, and is second in the line of succession to become the next Sultan of Brunei。阿都马力王子是文莱苏丹哈桑纳尔·博尔基亚与他的妻子——王后萨拉赫所生的最年幼的儿子,他在下一届文莱苏丹继承人顺序中排名第二。


  Today's 'bersanding' or enthronement

  ceremony is usually the highlight of the wedding festivities, and saw the bride and groom seated next to each other, dressed in opulent traditional attire on gilded thrones in the Throne Chamber of the Istana Nural Iman palace. 如今,公开宴请宾客的典礼或是坐床仪式往往是结婚庆典中的亮点。在努鲁伊曼王宫大殿里,新郎新娘身着奢华传统服装,彼此相邻,坐在镀金宝座上。

  According to The Brunei Times, also in attendance were seven Malaysian state rulers and the governor of Saudi Arabia, and this is the first time that the couple have appeared together since the festivities started on 5 April。《文莱时报》报导,出席婚礼的还有七位马来西亚政要以及一名沙特阿拉伯的区长。

  The couple wore matching traditional Malay dress, with the bride's veil constructed of swathes of intricate lace。这对新婚夫妇穿着配套的传统的马来服饰,新娘的头纱由大片精致的蕾丝构成。

  The 22-year-old bride, who worked as a systems data analyst and IT instructor, sported a breathtaking diamond tiara studded with six teardrop-shaped emeralds.22岁的新娘是一名系统数据分析师和IT指导师。在婚礼上她佩戴着镶有六颗泪滴状祖母绿的钻石头冠,奢华到令人惊叹。


  A diamond necklace with a central pendant of three emeralds the size of grapes, glittered around her neck, while a matching brooch of two egg-shaped emeralds dangled from a diamond setting。新娘脖子上还闪耀着一条钻石项链,中间是三颗葡萄大小的祖母绿构成的坠饰。同时两颗蛋形祖母绿的吊坠胸针在镶钻礼服上与之交相辉映。

  Dayangku Raabi'atul 'Adawiyyah Pengiran Haji Bolkiah also toted Christian Louboutin heels encrusted Swarovski crystals, with the distinctive red sole, as well as a chunky gold anklet。拉比阿图艾达威雅还穿着克里斯提·鲁布托高跟鞋,上面镶着施华洛世奇水晶,鞋底是醒目的红色。她的脚踝还戴着一个厚实的金脚镯。

  The newlyweds sat side by side praying during a section of the ceremony, and at one point, the Sultan was seen caressing the arms of his son's hand while the blessing of his new wife occurred。在仪式中这对新人相邻坐着进行祈祷。媒体还捕捉到新郎阿都马力王子祈神赐福他的新婚妻子时,文莱苏丹轻抚他儿子的手。

  Part of the ceremony also saw royal guards entering the hall carrying ceremonial shields and spears。在仪式中还有手拿盾牌和长矛的皇家卫兵。

  The wedding is taking place over a period of 11 days, and started on Sunday, 5 April, with the royal marriage proposal ceremony。这场婚礼将持续11天。它于上周日4月5日以皇家求婚仪式拉开序幕。


文章关键词: 双语文莱新娘珠宝婚礼

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