女人天生强势 男人怕老婆有史可寻(双语)

2015年07月17日10:04  国际在线 微博    收藏本文     

  Scientists may finally have confirmed what every woman from Raquel Welch to Wilma Flintstone has always suspected. Even back in prehistoric times, the female of the species was very much the boss. A study has found evidence of ‘alpha cavewomen’ roaming the plains and calling the shots while the menfolk slobbed at home. The boss: A new study may confirm what every woman from Raquel Welch, pictured here in One Million Years BC, has always thought - that the female of the species has always been in charge


女人天生强势 男人怕老婆有史可寻(双语)女人天生强势 男人怕老婆有史可寻(双语)

  The discovery could put paid to the belief that cavemen were the aggressive, violent go-getters in the relationship between the sexes. It also raises the intriguing possibility that Fred Flintstone, the eternally henpecked half of the cartoon partnership with Wilma, might actually have mirrored life on Earth all those centuries ago. Alpha cavewoman appears to have travelled far wider than her male counterpart, the research showed. She might even have been the one who went out clubbing, so to speak – reversing the popular conception that it was the bloke who bashed the girl on the head and dragged her home by the hair. But something seems to have happened to the evolution of the species after those times between 1.7million and 2.4million years ago. A couple more millennia would have to pass before female independence re-emerged with the bra-burning liberation of the Swinging Sixties。



文章关键词: 老婆男人女人双语史可强势

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