Just an hour or two earlier, the Duchess of Cambridge was playing games with India's most vulnerable children in a £50 frock and flat pumps. But after a swift costume change, she was stepping out to have lunch with the Indian Prime Minister in an £800 lace dress paired with a formal chignon.

Unusually on a public engagement, Kate, 34, opted for flat cream pumps which she paired with a long burgundy ethnic-style dress with a belt tied around the middle. She wore her hair in loose curls half tied up off her face to finish her relaxed look.
34岁的凯特一改风格,公开会晤选择了奶茶色平底舞鞋,搭配酒红色长款民族风连身裙 ,腰间系上腰封。头发稍稍打卷束起,打造惬意的造型。

Kate was whisked away to have lunch with the Indian Prime Minister in an £800 lace dress paired with a formal chignon. The Duchess of Cambridge opted for a mid-length teal dress with cut-out detailing for her lunch. Kate's ethereal lace dress was high necked and the severity of its cut was echoed by the formal chignon.

Kate and William use a sword to cut a special cake for the Queen at a party to celebrate her 90th in New Delhi.
The Duchess of Cambridge dressed to impress at the Bollywood Gala in Mumbai as she capped off a busy first day in India by uniting both the best of British and Indian fashion.
Kate has paid homage to her hosts by flying the flag for British fashion while also showcasing Indian themes.

Kate arrived at the Bollywood gala in a custom royal blue dress by British designer - with the beading done in India. The Duchess is a big fan ofPackham and wears her designs for many prestigious events.
She accessorised the full length gown with a sheer shawl in a matching blue with sparkling beading to match and a clutch in the same shade.
Drop earrings with two large blue stones hung from her ears, created by Indian designer Amrapali.

The Duchess even nodded to Indian style with her make-up, which diverted slightly from her classic look for a Bollywood-inspired cat eye.

The Duchess matched the bright print number, with pretty floral designs, with nude rope wedge heels, £99 from Mint Velvet, and sparkling chandelier earrings to meet local children to play a game of cricket in Mumbai.
公爵夫人闪亮的印花数字和漂亮的花型设计相配,裸色系带楔形高跟鞋99英镑,出自Mint Velvet。戴上耀眼夺目的吊灯耳坠,和孟买当地孩子碰头,一起踢上一场板球。

这是威廉夫妇访问泰姬陵酒店(Taj Mahal Palace hotel)时,凯特王妃的装束。
The eye-catching peplum blouse and skirt nodded to India with a red paisley print, a popular tear drop shaped design popular in India, especially for Kashmir shawls. She paired the outfit with a £165 clutch bag from Russell & Bromley and shoes worth by £175.00 by L.K Bennett.
夺人眼球的荷叶边衬衫裙与印度风相呼应,红色佩斯利涡旋纹花呢印花和印度风行的泪滴造型和克什米尔披肩尤为相配。与凯特整套服饰搭配的是售价165英镑的手包,Russell & Bromley出品,鞋子价值175英镑,L.K Bennett出品。
The royal blue 'Mary Illusion dress', which is currently sold out online, has a plunging neckline with an illusion panel to make it more demure. Kate accessorised her glamorous gown with the same statement earrings by Cassandra Goad and wore her lustrous hair down.
一袭皇室蓝“玛丽幻象礼服 ”,现在网上已经售罄,深开式低领加之透视饰片,尽显静娴。凯特长发披肩,发色亮泽,华丽的长袍礼服配饰为Cassandra Goad的耳环,彰显魅力。
(来源 :沪江英语)