Have you heard about online hosts that broadcast from their bedrooms, get famous overnight and make thousands, even tens of thousands, of yuan every month?
Think you might like to quit your day job and give it a shot, but have no idea how to become a hit?
Luckily for you there are companies out there that can help you become an Internet celebrity with just a little training and packaging. These Internet celebrity training specialists groom, market and sell Internet celebrities - and all they demand is a cut of the star’s earnings.
Daxin (pseudonym) owns four cellphones and watches live webcasts for 10 hours a day to keep an eye on his clients and their competitors. He looks out for any weaknesses in his clients and corrects them immediately.
Daxin, 34, has long been in the media and started working as a trainer at an Internet celebrity company eight months ago. He’s a stay-at-home dad of two, who looks after his kids while he looks after his eight webcast hostesses. Prime time for webcasts is from 8 pm to midnight and his hostesses broadcast for about two hours a day.
Daxin built a network of contacts while working as a media manager in Guangzhou, South China’s Guangdong Province, which he uses to find models that he thinks might be suitable for this kind of work.
An Internet celebrity trainer’s base salary is not extraordinary, usually lying somewhere between 6,000 yuan ($897) to 10,000 yuan a month. They can increase their income by having their clients advertise products through endorsements or posting about them on social media.
Companies usually have financial targets for their hosts and 20 percent of any revenue over this target will go to the trainer. Internet celebrities can earn 10 times more than their trainers, with really successful hosts earning up to 20 times more. Trainers can also get bonuses of up to 20,000 yuan for luring top hosts to their company.