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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/12/22 19:19  新浪教育


  Dear xiao ming:

  It is not inevitable to meet this state. I believe that you can cope with them successfully. You take a part-time job this term, although, and you spend an army of leisure time on it . It is not incorrect . With this work , you can get advancement on ability . It is the wealth for you .From your words, I hold the fact that , you failed to the qualify in some subjects . Therefore, you have the feeling that you are in hot water . In some part , it is unessential and wisdom for you to change the situation .You have a talent for learning , I harbor the view that . Due to the limited spare time , you may pay a close attention in class . If you master the knowledge fast during the class ,you don’t need much more hours to review the texts . You will be over that you can not get through the tests . There have positive effects ,because of this consequence it makes an timely alarm to you , and you will never face the same phenomenon . In a word , you can solute the matter in the best way .


  1.It is not inevitable to meet this state. / It is not inevitable to meet this kind of state.

  2.you failed to the qualify in some subjects / you failed in some subjects

  3.You have a talent for learning , I harbor the view that / You have a talent for learning , I harbor the view .

  4.If you master the knowledge fast during the class / If you master the knowledge fast in class.

  5. you can solute the matter in the best way ./ you can solve the matter in the best way .


  Dear Xiaolan,

  How have you been in the past couple of days? I have received your mail for two days. I’m so sorry to hear that you are failed the exams, especially, most of them are compulsory courses.

  As a college student, acquiring knowledge is still on the top of our agenda. Obviously, you have committed a blunder. Naturally, doing part-time jobs may be good for you to hunt a nice job, but it has brought you a negative effect. It’s a hot potato, although, I am trying to make some approaches for you.

  For a start, please don’t worry too much. It is no use crying over spilt milk. Secondly, it is advisable that you stop doing the part-time jobs and study hard again. The point is, it is urgent for us to review and pass the second test of those lessons. Last but not least, we will at the dawn of this new school term, you can catch up with the other fellow students if you hold the chance.

  Well, I have to attend my class. Next time, I’ll visit you and we can have a nice chat. Take care and see you soon.

  Best wishes

   Yours sincerely

  Zhang Ying


  1.It’s a hot potato, although, I am trying to make some approaches for you. / Although it’s a hot potato, I am trying to make some approaches for you.

  2.you are failed the exams / you failed in some exams

  3.we will at the dawn of this new school term, / we will be at the dawn of this new school term,


  Dear Xiao Wang:

   I am glad to hear from you. I feel upset for your experience these days. I pray everything is going well from now.

   You tell of your anxiety over the study on your letter, since it is severe influenced by the long-time part time job, and ask for some suggestions. I really know that it is because your family finance, you have to take so many part time jobs over the past three years. Concerning to the situation, however, I do believe it is advisable to transfer your attention from the jobs to your lectures. We are senior students; it is the last year for us to strive for our future. Only we have the excellent achievement, will we have the capital to step into the society, and we will not have the pity when leaving the Ivory Tower.

   I suppose you can agree with me. If so, the following two ways, in my mind, are helpful to you. First, a face-to-face communication with your teacher is quite needed, for he or she have the experience to tackle the type of questions. Additionally, it pays to be diligent, it is totally possible for you to have advancement if you take pains to study hard from now. I am waiting for your good news.

  Good Luck

   Yours Ge


  1.You tell of your anxiety over the study on your letter / You tell of your anxiety over the study in your letter

  2.Concerning to the situation, however, / Concerning the situation, however,

  3.for he or she have /… has

  4.to study hard from now. / to study hard from now on

  全国四六级考试作文得分平均最高的三个地区是上海、江苏、浙江,其它地区一般都要低于这个水平,这次在浙江杭州批的是江苏、江西、广东、福建的卷子,江苏南京地区主要是负责上海,山东和海南三省市的卷子。 总体看来,四级作文除海南之外大都在8分左右,即第三个档次的文章偏多。具体作文评分原则还是02年制定的那个,大家可以找找点点论坛以前的帖子。

  江苏南京(代表江苏最高水平)四级作文5-6分的相当多, 平均分不到7分,12分以上相当少,考生的主要问题还是各种错误多,语言模板化,缺少亮点。估计有40%以上的考生作文6分以下,也就是说要倒扣分。其它省平均分更低,低大致1-2分。但一个地区平均水平不行,并不一定意味着你作为个体,得分不高。比如说在南京批的海南的卷子,尽管大部分都是一两分,但也有10分以上的。山东的作文也顺便提一下,基本上每次山东的作文大部分人内容都写很多,超过字数要求,这次也是。一般老师看你写这么多,是不好意思给你太低的分数的,这一点请大家体会。





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